James Imagine

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Your mute

You weren't always mute..... you got bullied in Secondary school and they always said your voice was disgusting so I guess I stopped talking.

When I met James he was considerate of it and understood why I didn't talk. I could talk if I wanted too but it will be hard. My voice hasn't worked since I was 15.

I live with James now and he helps. We know sign language. He learned how to lip read so basically we communicate. I do get hate but not a lot, the real fans understood why.

"Baby you ready?" Asked James. I sign yes. We are going to dinner with his sister and James best friend Adam. He doesn't know about me being mute so I hope he understands!

We leave and drive to pick Sophie and Adam up. They get in the car and we drive to the park for our picnic.

We set up. "Hey I'm Adam" said Adam. "Y/n" I lip spoke. "Um what?" Asked Adam. "This is Y/n, my girlfriend, Y/n's mute if you noticed" said James. "Oh hi! OMG!! So that means you can't speak? I'm sorry. It must be hard. Anyway you sign language? I do so" said Adam. Adam signs hi I'm glad to meet you. I sign back pleasure and I'm happy you accept me, not many do. He signs back oh they should you seem sweet!

"James you got a keeper. Anyway how did you two meet?" Asked Adam. I sign the answer.
We met at one of his concerts. I had VIP and I met him and he asked why I couldn't speak and I basically wrote out the story on my phone and showed him. He was shocked and then we swapped numbers and the next day we went for coffee and he asked If I taught him sign language and then he picked up on reading my lips. Basically I got bullied in Secondary School and they said my voice was disgusting so I just stopped talking FULL stop.

"That's rough! I'm happy that you two met though" said Adam. "Same here" said James. I smile and look at them. I have an idea. I sign that I have to go. "Ok baby see you at home" said James. I kiss him and sign bye to Adam and Sophie. I go to my moms. I sign that I need help. "Why?" Asked mom.
I wanna speak signed Y/n. Mom nods and I sit down. I frown after I keep failing. I'm gonna go mom it isn't working signed Y/n.

I go home. I see James and Sophie and Adam sitting there. I am going to try. "J-J-James" coughed Y/n. They jump and look at me. "You spoke!" Said James. He kissed me.

Four years later

We got married, had a baby boy, Noah Winter McVey. I am now a really good speaker and James tells me everyday that he loves my voice. And yeah I have become a singer! It's been great!

So yeah this one is actually my fav I have been reading this book on Wattpad not a fanfic and it's about a mute girl who doesn't speak after being raped at a party and I was like I wanna do an Imagine about a mute girl and she learns how to speak!

Comment below if you have or still in school:)

Last year this year and then I'm school free

Lorna Xx

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