His your teacher

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Your going to your first day of school after three months off for summer. Your quite nervous, as usual cause it's the start of your last year at this school, before you go off to university. You've met you your friend at the hall and both walked in and sat down. After timetables are handed out and you go to your first class, Business. You walk in and see a young looking teacher, brown, curly hair and brown eyes and a big smile on his face.  You think his hot and imagine a lot of stuff with him and you. You sit down, thinking, his hot, too bad his my teacher. He looks at everyone and smiles, the smile is small. He finally spots you, y/c/e and y/c/h. He smiles bigger and calls the role. You just smirk. You know this class is going to be your favourite.


You just don't really have the hang of the stuff your meant to understand, granted that your just learning guitar now. You don't really understand, you know your music teacher, Mr McVey can play guitar and your parents are so close to asking him to teach me. I don't mind him teaching me if only I didn't have a massive crush on him. His blonde hair and blue eyes. He looks like he works out everyday. When you arrive home, you spot a car in the drive way. You think it's a family friend you don't know and walk in till you hear Mr McVey's voice. You walk in and see your parents and him having tea and biscuits. "Honey James here said he would love to teach you guitar! For free!" said mom. "Oh right, thank you, Mr McVey" you said. He just smiled. "We're starting tomorrow, after school. You'll be coming to my house, I have my guitar there" said James. You nod, smiling a little, just realising your spending you Tuesday with your crush.


Your in English, no friends just a whole load of people you don't talk too. A young teacher walks in. Brown hair and blue eyes and a nose ring. You smile. "I'm Mr Ball. I am your new English teacher for this year and I'm not strict" smiled Mr Ball. You smile and he looks at you, smiling. You have a nose ring as well, so maybe that interests him. During the class he explains Shakespeare. You never really liked him, Shakespeare I mean. Mr Ball though explains it in an interesting way, almost like they knew each other. You realise just maybe your crushing on the new teacher, who is Scottish and hot. 


Your in History, you regret picking it as an A-level subject but you have to stick with it now, so your stuck. Your teacher, Mr Evan's gets a little annoyed with you, since you don't try. You do.... it's just really hard to understand dates and times and all that shit. One day in History your just writing essay's and you take a little peek at Mr Evan's just realising his kinda hot, tall and skinny but hot. Blonde hair and blue eyes that look like any colours sometimes. He looks up and spots you and you quickly look down. Oh great his gonna think I have a crush on him or something which I do, but he doesn't need to know. He walks over. He leans down to my ears. "I'm going to be tutoring you from now on, you keep failing" said Mr Evans. You nod and he goes sit down. OK his breath on my ears was great but his my teacher. I need to stop thinking about him. Pronto.

OK I said I'd update on Friday or Thursday BUT I had to get everything ready for school tomorrow! I'm sorry! I'm back on track now!:) 

And who would love if The Vamps were teachers in your school? I would, :)

Lorna Hayes:)

The Vamps Preferences and Imagines Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now