His your teacher PART THREE

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When your first saw Y/N you instantly knew you were going to catch something for her. You gave her a note saying meet me at my house and you smile. When you get home, you start cleaning and get changed, no one wants to see you half ew. You hear a knock and you instantly know it's Y/N. You rush to open it and let her in. "Hi" said Y/N, blushing. "Hi, so I'm making dinner and I hope your hungry" you smiled. You instantly realise you like her. You soon plate the dinner and you both sit down. "I just want to say.... I like you, since I first saw you! I hope your feeling the same" you said. "Oh I like you too!" said Y/N. You both lean and kiss. "So what now?" asked Y/N. "You hopefully become my girlfriend and call this a date" you said. "Yes" smiled Y/N. You two kiss again and smile.


You are enjoying the time with your student Y/N but there is one problem.... your starting to like her and that scares you. Y/N is a beautiful young girl at 18. You want to be able to tell her and the last time you nearly kissed. She gave you her number and you don't know if she'll be scared or not, she did lean in as well, so that gives you hope for asking her to your girlfriend. You text her and she replies and she is coming. You get ready and clean the house, cause your crush is coming. You hear the knock on the door and you answer it and see her standing there. You smile at her and welcome her in. "I'm making dinner, do you want some?" you asked. "Yeah, if you don't mind" said Y/N. We have our meal and relax on the sofa. "So um that day when we were going to kiss wasn't a mistake and I really want to kiss you as well" you said. "Well come on then" smiled Y/N. We both lean in and our lips touch and you both smile. "Will you be my girlfriend?" you asked. "Yes" smiled Y/N. We kiss and then Y/N goes home.


Y/N has texted and called you and you are enjoying the flirty exchanges that are happening between you two. You know she is 17 and she is underage but true love has no age? You are scared but you really want to date, kiss, hold her. You invited her over for the day, to spend time with her. You have cleaned the house and sorted out the dinner and all you have to do is wait for Y/N to show up. You hear a knock and when you open the door, Y/N is standing there, smiling. Oh yeah I do so love her. We go in and see that my dinner burnt. Instead we now order, yum. Chinese, cause it's a good choice. Afterwards we sit and chat. "What made you be an English teacher?" asked Y/N. "Easy, I loved it in school, love it now" you said. Y/N smiled and I smiled back. I lean in, to test her, if she leans in, I'll kiss her, if not I won't. She leans in and her lips meet mine and we kiss, harder, rougher. "Well that was something" smiled Y/N. "Yeah... it was.... I like you" you said. "I like you too" said Y/N, smiling.


You have been tutoring Y/N for a while now and you have kissed her, enjoyed it and now are taking her on date.... in your house. You hate that you have to hide her, but you don't want to lose your job and you want to be with her, for ever, hopefully. You are dressed up and ready for her. You hear a knock and see Y/N standing there, smiling and blushing. You invited her in and you smiled when you see her. Soon your having a home cooked dinner, a movie, The First Time movie, and coke. You kissed and had fun. "Will you be my girlfriend?" you asked. "Yes" smiled Y/N. They kissed and Y/N went home. 

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