You work for his record label part 3

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First kiss with him:

Two weeks later

You have enjoyed working with James with his hair. You now realise you like him. Maybe love him, but you know James doesn't like you. Tonight is Newcastle and you can't wait. "Y/N wanna explore?" asked James. "OK let me get dressed" said Y/N. We have breakfast and finally leave. 

"So you enjoying it, the tour?" asked James. "Yeah, it's fun, doing your hair is fun" smiled Y/N. "Mine is the best, you see" smiled James. I chuckle. We walk to the nearest cafe. "Wanna get food" said James. "Yeah" said Y/N. "Let's go" smiled James. We go in and order a cake. And also coffees. Yummy. We just talk. We are best friends by now. 

We go to the park. "I'm surprised no one noticed you" smiled Y/N. "Same, maybe it's luck" said James, smiling. We decide to go back to the bus. There's a note.

James & Y/N 

We have gone on an adventure! Be back soon!!

Joe and the Lads and the best security men ever:)

Idiots. Me and James sit down and start watching The Arrow. I lean my head on his shoulder and watch the show. I can sense James looking at me. I smile to myself. I look up at him. He looks at me. We both lean in and soon our lips our touching. We get into it and we keep kissing. We soon pull apart. "Um Y/N.... I like you, and I know your my hair stylist but I like you" said James, smiling. "I like you too" said Y/N. We kiss again and get up before the rest come back. 

The rest come back and we have Chinese. Soon it's nearly bedtime, the concert is tomorrow for Newcastle. It's exciting. 

When I get into my bunk I fall asleep.

Part 3 done

Lorna Xx

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