You work for his label part 4

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First date!! (and am I the only one listening to Christmas music? Yes? Damn I'm early:))

I wake up and get into jeans, top and vans. I put my hair in a bun. I go out of the bathroom. I spot James standing there. "For a hair stylist that's awfully boring" said James. "Well I'm tired, and yeah" said Y/N. "OK anyway I wanted to ask if you would like to go on a date with me? Day and night trip?" asked James. "Of course, let me change" said Y/N. James nods and I go get changed. I come back out. "Wow, you look amazing. So we will be going somewhere, to the park and then finding a spot for dinner, somewhere where fans can't find us, I want to keep this between us because it's new and we need to get to know each other better then paps looking at our every move." said James. "I understand, I mean I'd rather us actually date, like there is no one watching us, and I would love to know what you do other then the band" said Y/N. James kisses my cheeks. We walk out and walk to the nearest park. We walk around and then sit down.

"So James, I know you have a little sister, Sophie. What's it like being not close in age" said Y/N. "I dunno. It was hard when we were younger, I was already older then her, and we weren't very close, but in recent years we are best friends. She treats me like my parents treat me, and also she's used to seeing me in papers and stuff, so she isn't shocked by any of it" said James. "Ahh, my younger brother, is one year younger than me. It wasn't hard to be his best friend and he still thinks he has to protect me" smiled Y/N. "Ah I always am protective over Sophie, in case she gets used. I like to think I'm not over protective, but Sophie say I am" laughed James. "Well.... you could be" smiled Y/N. "What's it like working for me?" asked James. "It's good. I enjoy it, your cool and funny" smiled Y/N. "Wow thanks" said James. He looks at me. "What?" asked Y/N. "It's just your beautiful" said James. "Thank you" smiled Y/N. "Anyway why work with hair" said James. "I really liked doing hair and I took to it, went to college and got to this point" said Y/N. "I think your amazing" smiled James. "Thanks, your amazing too" smiled Y/N.

Me and James went to this restaurant. "It's cute and not many people heard of it yet" said James. I smile "Smart move, James" said Y/N. We sit down and order our food. Soon we walk home. We get there and walk in. We see a note. 

James and Y/N

Hey guys everyone has gone for dinner you two have gone out somewhere and we were hungry, have fun:)

Con, Tris and Brad xx

I smile. I look at James and find that his looking at me. We both lean in and kiss. We get into it. Soon we stop and look after each other. "It's ten, bed? If you don't I'll stay up.... it's just I like going to bed early" said James. "Me too" smiled Y/N. I go get changed and into my bunk. James is across from mine. We fall asleep facing each other. 

I am really starting to like him, maybe love


Lorna Xx

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