His married but loves you JM

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"I'm going to be honest." said James. Kirstie looks at him. "I cheated on you and the person I did it with I am in love with. We were fighting for the past year over a baby.... and I just I dunno.... I got sick of all the fighting" said James. "Who was it? You went out with Y/N.... Y/N YOU LET HIM CHEAT?!" yelled Kir. "Kir.... I cheated on you with Y/N. I AM FUCKING IN LOVE WITH HER!" yelled James. Kirstie slapped me. James ran over. He placed his hand on my cheek.

"Kirstie I know I cheated but you have to understand..... I love you.... as a friend but I can't keep fighting over babies with you! I want a baby you don't" said James. "I know I don't you could have told me you wanted a divorce not go and cheat. Y/N I'm sorry I slapped you. James I'll have the divorce papers soon." said Kir. "OK you can keep the house, you deserve it" said James. We left. We got to my house with his stuff. Mom and dad don't look happy. "You ruined a marriage" said mom. "She didn't I did. I wasn't happy either was Kirstie. Now we are." said James. Mom looks at us and walks out. "Honey I'll talk to her" said dad. I hug him. He left. "I wanted t ask if you want to go on a date with me?" asked James. "Yes" said Y/N. "OK dressy yet casual enough for bowling and cinema." said James. I nod.

I go get ready. It's half way, also wearing converse wedges. I just take the flannel off for the restaurant part. I go down and see James waiting. "You look amazing" said James. "So do you" said James. We get in the car and drive to the bowling alley. We go in and get the shoes and the alley for the game. We are in an intense game

I won! In your face! "How the fuck did you win?" asked James. "I'm just that talented!" said Y/N. "Damn!" said James. We go to TGI Fridays. We go in and get a table at the window. I smile at James. "How come you never told me you loved me?" asked James. "You were married. I didn't want to ruin it for you" said Y/N. "I wanted you to tell me. Brad, Tris and Con told me you were in love with me. I waited for you to tell me" said James. "Then why did you want a baby with Kirstie?" asked Y/N. "Simple, I thought you didn't love me so I never told you" said James. "James you could have told me." said Y/N. "I know that now" said James.

After dinner we decided to go for a walk and relax. We go home and go to bed.


I wake up and run to the toilet to vomit. This has been happening for two now. I decided to use a pregnancy test my girl best friend bought around. I take a test and find that it's positive after waiting for 10 minutes. I smile. James does really want a baby. I'm finally giving him what he wants. I decide I will bring him on a picnic to tell him.

We told everyone(meaning the fans, lads and everyone you can think off.) They were all happy that we're happy.

) They were all happy that we're happy

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James gets up. "Get dressed" said Y/N. James just nods. He comes back down in shorts and a tank top and vans. "Good you copied my fashion choice for a picnic" said Y/N. James chuckles. I laugh and grab his hand and the basket. We drive to Hyde Park and find a perfect spot for the picnic.

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