James McVey

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James is 23 today:)
So here is an Imagine for you guys!

It's James' birthday and your quite excited. You wake him up by singing Happy Birthday to him. "Morning Babe" you smiled. "Morning Y/N" smiled James. We kissed and ate breakfast in bed. After that you both have a shower and yeah you treat him to something ;) You then go out for a walk. It's crisp and cold Sunday morning on his birthday. His 23 and he loves it. He gets spoiled. What doesn't know is that you have planned a surprise party. 

You then go home to have dinner. You were going to book a club but James doesn't really drink so you booked a big hotel room where they do wedding, birthdays etc. You invited The Tide and New Hope Club and of course Brad, Tristan and Connor. James' family and the families of New Hope Club, The Tide and Brad's family, Tristan's family and Con's family. Your really excited to see his face. You get him to get ready. "We're going to the hotel we met for dinner" you smiled. James goes and gets ready and so do you. Your wearing a white dress that shows off your curves and rose designs on each side. You curl your hair a little and feathers in your hair. You both leave and then finally get there and go to the party room. The lights are off. "SURPRISE!" yelled everyone when the lights turned on. James' face shows all the shock and happiness. "Who planned this?" asked James. "Your Y/N" smiled Brad. James looks at me and kisses me. "Thank you" smiled James. "No problem, your my boyfriend, I do wanna surprise you" smiled Y/N. We kiss. We finally get the cake out. James blows them out. "What you wish for?" asked Y/N. "Um.... I love you and I want to ask you something..... Will you marry me?" asked James. "YES!" smiled Y/N. We kiss and finally go home. We do you know what;) All you heard from James for months after is BEST BIRTHDAY AFTER!!!!!!:) 

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