You work for his label part 2

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Finding out I like him

It's the second day and concert of the close up tour. I am going to the shops to buy pads, cause my periods come and I feel awkward! I was meant to wear white jeans now I can't. I go out and see James and Dean sitting there. "Hi guys" said Y/N. "Hi Y/N. What's up? Joe said you never wear leggings to work" said James. "Oh well you know when a woman bleeds for 5 or more or less days from womb I think I am able to wear leggings." said Y/N. "Oh right..... sorry. Anyway we can relax for a couple of hours." said James. I nod. "Well I think I will explore the place first, just text me when you need me" said Y/N. They nod.

I go out and start walking. I don't know what is happening but when James talks to me I feel butterflies. I dunno if that's a bad sign. I can't date him, love him. I walk and walk. I hear my phone, have to go back. I walk to the venue and walk in. "Y/N James is waiting" smiled Joe. I nod and walk in. "Hi, sit down James" said Y/N, smiling. "Oh so you can feel me up" winked James. "Yeah so I can do just that" said Y/N, winking. "Ah your messing me." smiled James. "Stop  flirting and let me do my work" smiled Y/N. James winks and nods. I do his hair and when I'm done I sprat his hair with hairspray. I smile to myself. I go stand by the side of the stage. Taken come out and I smile. Soon The Vamps come out. I smile to myself. 

When the concert ends. I go back to my bunk and lie down. I dated one time, it basically ended in disaster. I know I should stay away from James after I kinda fancy him. "Y/N you here" said James. "Yeah my bunk." said Y/N. Fuck I'm wearing shorts and a tank top. "Can you get out?" asked James. I hop out. He stares at me. "Um.... well.... I was going to ask if you wanted to go for dinner" said James. "Oh.... we can order" said Y/N. James smiles. "That will be great!" said James. "Pizza?" asked Y/N. James nods and goes to order. I put on sweatpants and a hoodie and I go sit beside him. 

The pizza arrives. "So what's up with you?" asked James. "Nothing" said Y/N. "Yeah right" laughed James. I just look down. Soon it's time for bed. I fall straight asleep.


Lorna Xx

The Vamps Preferences and Imagines Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now