His your brothers best friend

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I have finally finished my course and now on The Vamps World Tour for Night and Day. Me and Brad have been dating for 5 months now. It's exciting this tour. Me and Brad said I love you and lost my virginity to. 

We are in Birmingham and Brad is bringing us to meet his family again for dinner. I told James I was going out meeting a friend and Brad said his meeting his family. James believes us. 

Me and Brad finally get to his parents house. "Y/N, Brad! Finally. We have lots of fun things planned!" said Anne. I smile. "Wow! Hopefully snakes and ladders" smiled Y/N. "Yes! It's a good game" said Anne, smiling. I smile back. We sit down and start playing snakes and ladders. "So have you told James?" asked Nat. "No. I don't know how" said Y/N. "His so protective over her, it's unreal" said Brad. "I would know. You my brother, always got your heart broken" said Nat. "Thanks, I think Y/N knows that. It's just his my best friend and Y/N's brother, we want to have his permission but he won't. We will tell him. Just not today" said Brad. "I love my brother, but Brad was my first boyfriend I liked and he took my virginity, so I wouldn't mention that to him, he'd kill us or Brad" said Y/N. Nat, Anne and Derek nod. 

We have dinner and relax around the sitting room. Me and Brad snuggle on the sofa. I lean into Brad and look up to him. "I love you" said Brad. "I love you too" smiled Y/N. We kiss. What we don't know is that, James, Tris and Con walk in with Joe and Dean. "Y/N MCVEY! BRADLEY WILL SIMPSON! WHY ARE YOU KISSING?" yelled James. We jump apart and I look at him. "James me and Brad have been dating for 5 months! We were going to actually tell you tomorrow! I promise! We were scared! You hate me dating. Please don't hate us" said Y/N. "Y/N.... I love you. Brad your like a brother to me.... don't hurt her. She is everything to me. Anyway lets all hang now" said James. 

We have a good time and yeah James might have been freaked out we're dating.

In the end we dated for 3 years. Got married and then had three kids, Adrian and Emilia and Alessia. James was a happy uncle and Godfather to Emilia. I love Brad and my kids. I love my brother James and my other brothers, Con and Tris. 

Done! Sorry it took so long but I had to make sure that this one will be good and hopefully it is and I have been updating other books! I'm sorry!! I'm back! I am honestly trying to keep up with updating my books. 

This will NOT be put on hold. I will try and update this as much as possible! I will update everyday on my books that I am doing right now I will be away for 3 WEEKS! London for 1 week and then Wexford, Rosslare for 2 weeks!! 

So next week is basically updating week! 

Lorna Xx

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