Your pet dies

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You had a King Charles called Sunny since you were born. You loved her with all your heart but she became sick and you didn't know what to do, your lucky that Brad has a dog and Brad can help you through it. One day you and Brad have gone out shopping for tour. Your planning on ending Sunny to your mom's. You finish and go home. You go in and Sunny doesn't come running or barking. You go to her bed and see her asleep. You go down to wake her when you see she isn't breathing. "BRAD!" yells Y/N. "What's wrong?" asked Brad. "S-Sunny isn't breathing!" cried Y/N. "W-what? Here I'm bringing her to the vets" said Brad, crying. He got close to her as well cause Sunny is loveable. We rush to the vets and they take us through. They do something. "I'm sorry. She is dead" said the vets. You break down crying. We go home after getting her ashes. Brad hugs me. We just there. "Hun you want food?" asked Brad. "Yes please" croaked Y/N. Brad goes to make food and you sit there in shock that your dog died. You eat then go to bed. 


You have a dog called Ava. She's a pug. You had her for most of your life and you and James both love her so much. You and James are laying in bed, just relaxing and realise, Ava hasn't came in. You get up and put on slippers and go down to see what's wrong. You see her getting sick and blood in her spit. "JAMES! GET DRESSED! WE NEED TO GO TO THE VETS!" yelled Y/N. You rush to get ready and drive to the vets with Ava. We go in and get seen. "I'm sorry. We have to put her down" said the vet. I start crying. So does James. We just nod and she goes and does it. We get her ashes and we go spread them at her favourite spot in the park. We go home and just spend the day sad and angry that we never noticed she was sick.


You had a bearded dragon along with Rex called Roxy. Roxy was a very gentle girl. She never bit, or even did anything out of character. One day you came down to see her not moving. You thought it was normal, she was quite lazy. She usually only moved when you give her food and spend time with her. So you go get food and go feed both of them. Rex rushes to the food while Rozy stays where she is, eyes closed. You go over and pick her up to feel nothing. No breathe, no heart beat. "Con!" yells Y/N. He runs in. "What's wrong?" asked Con. "Roxy is d-dead" stuttered Y/N. "What?" asked Con, tearing up. You start crying. You go find a shoe box and placed her in it and wrapped it up and dug a hole out the back and buried her. You started speaking. "Roxy you are loved and Rex is going to miss you along with me and Con. I love you" said Y/N. We went in and spent time with Rex. 


You had a pet dog, called Dobby. He was a handsome dog and you and Tristan both loved him. You loved taking him on walks and feeding him and cuddling him. You both left the house to go visit your parents and leave Dobby home with water. You'll be back before his dinner. You had a good time at your parents house. You drive home and see Dobby sleeping. You go make him food and put it in front of him. He still doesn't wake up. You poke him and you feel nothing. No heart beat or him breathing. You start panicking. "Tristan! D-D-D-dobby died" cried Y/N. Tris starts crying and so do you. You get a box ad put him in it with his bed and a blanket. You go out and dig a hole and bury him. "Dobby you were a great friend and you kept me company when Tristan was on tour. I love you" smiled Y/N, crying. "I will miss you buddy. I love you" cried Tris. You had dinner and go to bed.

Done. This had to be the hardest one to write. 3 years ago my dog got put down so writing this was difficult. 

But anyway on to happy things..... IT'S EASTER HOLIDAYS! AND IRELAND IS FINALLY SUNNY! 


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