Brad Simpson Imagine

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I don't know his parents names, I'm sorry if I remember I'll change it.
You and Brad have been dating for three months and it's time for you to meet his family. Your quite nervous, what if they don't like me? I had been in a relationship before but we broke up because he cheated. I once saw his family and they came over and said that I was the ONE who cheated on him. I'm terrified that Brad's family will hate me. I go get ready. "Brad! Should I wear a dress or casual?" I asked. "Um anything you want, princess" said Brad. I nod and go get ready. I go down and see Brad waiting for me. We get in the car and drive to his parents house. We walk in.
"Hi I'm Anne" said Brad's mom. "I'm Derek" said Brad's dad. "I'm Y/n" I said. "My girlfriend" said Brad, smiling widely. He grabs my hand and smiles. "Oh ok well dinner is ready, Nat is in the toilet" said Anne. "Ok great" smiled Brad. I can sense that Anne doesn't like me. We sit down. "Wow that's an expensive ring and necklace" said Anne. "Oh my mom bought me my necklace," said Y/n. "The ring?" Asked Anne. "Oh I bought her that as a promise ring" smiled Brad. "How much was it?" Asked Anne. "£530.000, mom Its fine, I love her" said Brad. "You spent that much?!" Said Anne. "Yeah coz I love her what am I meant to do? Oh just tell her that I love you but I'm spending nothing on you!" Said Brad. "Oh trust me, she is a gold-digger" said Anne. Brad looks at me, I send a look that I'll handle it. "Look I know you don't like me. I had a boyfriend who I thought I loved, he cheated, his parents thought I was the one who cheated, I don't usually meet parents expectations" said Y/n. "Oh really you probably did cheat" said Anne. "I-I didn't when I Love someone, I love them. He wasn't great for me. He was rude to me, my parents, my friends!" Said Y/n. "Oh come off it! I know you cheated on him!" Said Anne. I sit there and take it. "I bloody knew it" said Anne. "I didn't cheat on him. Why should I answer yes to something I never did!" Said Y/n. Natalie looks at me and smiles. "Mom if she said she didn't cheat, she didn't. Her parents are quite funnily, famous actors! Why would she cheat when she knows the paps will catch her out? I like her. Y/n just ignore her. Brad you have a good one" said Nat. I smile at her. 8 agree with Nat" said Derek. I smile and Brad kisses me. "Brad do you really love her and trust her" said Anne. "Yes" said Brad. "I'll approve when we spend time together" smiled Anne. I smile. Soon me and Brad go home. "Well thank god she finally approved" said Brad. "Yeah" said Y/n.

4 years later you got married, it was a small wedding with friends, family, James, Tris and Con his best mates and band mates, their record label, Joe and Laura, Ben, Davey and The Tide and New Hope Club. Ok it is still small wedding. Anne was finally able to love you after a bunch of girl shopping time.
You and Anne get along and she knows your way too in love with Brad to cheat on him!
You had twins and called them Isla and Josh Simpson. Anne dotes on them and so does everyone.

You finally met someone, who's parents actually like you.


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