Tristan Imagine

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Your his love interest on a show

You are a famous Actress and your show, Fabulous (fake show) is a huge hit in the UK. The Vamps are having a cameo on the show and Tristan is your love interest, they'll be in nearly the entire second season, if the producers think me and Tris make a great couple they will stay for another season!

Anyway today I'm meeting them. So I rush to get ready no make up or like the best hairstyles.

When I get there, my manager comes over and tells me costumes. I go get into my outfit. This episode is the Vamps coming home from tour. In the first season they had me say I had a famous boyfriend, so this isn't a shock basically.

I go to set and see The Vamps. My manager comes over. "Go talk to them, especially Tristan the tall blonde one on the over sized animal print jumper" said Noel, my manager. I walk over. "Hi I'm Y/n! Tristan is my love interest!" Said Y/n. "Oh yeah hi I'm Tris! Oh shit Tristan sorry I'm not really used to um pretty girls talking to me.... oh sorry!" Said Tris. "It's fine! I'm not used to talking to handsome boys" smiles Y/n. "Anyway what's the deal? We got told if the fans love us on this show we stay for the third season?" Asked Brad. "Oh yeah, they mean that since like I never had a boyfriend and that they don't really see me and my 'boyfriend' really breaking up, if they love seeing me and Tris together, they'll keep you guys" said Y/n. "Oh cool. So you two better be good, we wanna stay. We love this show so if we were to stay in it, we would love too" said James. I laugh. "You guys are first band/singers on the show!" Said Y/n. They smile. We soon get filming.

My name in the show is Louise. "Mom! Tristan is home!!" Said Lou(Y/n). "I know. Go" smiled mom. I go to the airport and wait. I see The Vamps walk out. I run to Tris and jump on him. I have to kiss him, my first staged kiss! I lean in and kiss him. We break apart and smile. We go back to my 'home' and all lie down. "Cut" said the director. We go over. "Ok I just wanted to ask...... is it ok if you'll do a sex scene?" Asked the director. "Like both of us naked in front of everyone" said Tris. "Yes" said Noel. "No, for example we will be naked just a sheet over us and our boxers and panties on and pretending to have sex so you make fake moans and everything. It's easy" smiled Y/n. Tris nods. We soon set the scene. Once it's over Tris runs away. I put a robe on me and go find him. I see him in his trailer. I walk in. His um pleasuring himself. "Um Tris.... I just wanted to uh say uh" said Y/n. "Shit I'm sorry! Ok um" said Tris. I walk over. "I feel the same.... I mean that I am aroused as well fuck" said Y/n. He kisses me and well you know where it goes.

Five months later

Season two is finally over and me and Tris have been dating for 3 months. I love him. He loves me. The fans love the season!

They actually ship our characters and us in real life! Well who knew you could find love anywhere!

Damn it's like really sunny out and I'm inside writing damn dedication! So how's summer?

I literally start school on the 23rd August! Like seriously go away! Anyway I am updating maybe tomorrow! At night I can't coz me and my 6yr old cousin watch movies so I can't!!

Comment below your favourite season and month!

Mines Autumn and September!

Lorna Xx

The Vamps Preferences and Imagines Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now