Your Shawn Mendes sister Final Part

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Me and Con have been dating for 9 months months now, it's been the best 9 months of my life. I love him. It's easy to know that you love him. Today me and Con are going out on a date, which is excited. I'm happy with him and his happy with me. His the love of my life. Soon I get ready for the day. 

I hear a knock on the door and I go open it to see Con. I smile. "Come in" said Y/N. He walks in. "I'm just grabbing my bag, Con" said Y/N. Con nods and smiles. I grab the bag and we leave. "So let's go to the beach and to relax. So yeah" smiled Con. I smile. We go to the beach and walk around. 

We go to stop by at a cafe and go in for a coffee and a cake. We order and sit down. We talk and just have a laugh. "I love you" smiled Y/N. "I love you too" said Y/N. We get our coffee and cake. We drink and eat and also talk the night away. 

We go to the park and sit by the lake. I lean on Con's shoulder and sigh. "We should tell Shawn" said Y/N. "Yeah tomorrow" said Con. I nod. We kiss and kiss. We soon go home.

We walk in and go to my room and kiss and lie on the bed making out. Soon we are naked and well doing it. 

We don't hear the door open, we don't hear the footsteps walking around, we don't hear the bedroom door opening. "Y/N? CON!" yelled Shawn. Con pulled the covers over us. "Shawn!" said Y/N. "What? Your cheating on your partners?" asked Shawn. "Uh no, Connor is my boyfriend" said Y/N. "We're sorry! We didn't know how to tell you!" said Con. "I'm older then you, Shawn. I can do what I want..... but I'm sorry! We wanted to date like normal people and we didn't want to tell you because we were scared and we didn't know how to tell you we're dating! I'm sorry!" said Y/N. "I'm sorry also not for dating Y/N but for not telling you!" said Con. "I know I should be mad.... but I'm glad your dating each other, Y/N Con deserves you, no one else but Con! So how about you get dressed." said Shawn. "Or me and Con can finish" said Y/N. "Yeah no!" said Shawn. "Worth a shot" smiled Y/N. We got redressed and went downstairs. "What's with the boxes?" asked Shawn. "Oh I'm moving with Con tomorrow. We've been dating for 9 months. "Wow!" said Shawn. We all have pizza and relax. 

3 years later

Me and Con got married. 

I didn't want a puffy dress or anything over the top, just something simple

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I didn't want a puffy dress or anything over the top, just something simple. We had two kids and a third on the way. Felix Daniel Ball and his twin Felicity Delilah Ball. We have another set of twins coming, boy and boy. More boys then girls! Oscar Aden Ball and Owen Adam Ball. We love our kids. Who cares if there is 4 boys and 2 girls. 

Shawn accepted everything that came his way from us. I love him, his the best brother in the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD


Lorna Xx

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