Your his tutor CB

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Your really smart at History. School today is going to be horrible, I'm ignored. No friends, no one. The populars, Tristan Evans, Connor Ball, Bradley Simpson and James McVey, their nice though, the popular girls, no. They hate me for no reason. 

I go to school. I walk in and go to tutor. I go in and get the role done.  I then head to History and go in. I sit at the front and wait for the bell. Everyone walks in. Connor walks in last, and I look down. I might have a crush on him, and he'll never like me. 

Soon the class is done and Mrs Walker calls me and Connor up to the front and everyone goes. "Ah Miss Y/L/N and Mr Ball.... Y/N, would you tutor Connor here?" asked Mrs Walker.  I look at her and nod. "Uh OK" said Y/N. We left. "My house, Y/N" said Con. I nod. "Where do you um live?" asked Y/N. "Oh across from you" said Con. I just nod. "Great" said Y/N. We went separate ways. 

I went home and grabbed books. I go over and knock."Hi you must be Y/N, I'm Kelly, Connor's mom" said Kelly. "Hi, I'm Y/N" said Y/N. "Come in, sweetie, his in his room, be careful, his playing fifa with Lewis, his younger brother" said Kelly. I nod. "OK, thank you" said Y/N. I go up and hear yelling. I knock on the door. He yells come in. "Oh hi Y/N! Come in, sorry we were in a middle of a match, you can wait" said Con. "OK" said Y/N. I go in and sit on the desk chair. They play the match. I sit and watch. "Con she's a beauty" said Lewis. "Oh uh yeah" blushed Con. I look at them. "You do realise I am here, right" said Y/N. "Yeah, we do" said Lewis. Lewis stands up. "I'm going to let you guys study" said Lewis. Con nods and Lewis left. Con sits and takes his books out. "So I don't understand a thing" said Con. "No one does" said Y/N. "You do" said Con. "Cause I just do" said Y/N. 

We spend hours doing it, I take my jumper off. Con looks at me and smirks and blushes. I look at him. "Uh why you staring at me?" asked Y/N. "I can't hear you anymore, sit beside me?" asked Con. I go sit beside him. 

"Y-Y/N I like you and before you say we never talked I know we never did, but I knew of you and I watched you, in an uncreepy way..... I like how your cool and act normal around me and the lads. We noticed you. Do you wanna sit with us tomorrow and go on a date with me?" asked Con. I look at him blushing. "I like you too, and of course for both" smiled Y/N. 

I stay for dinner and then go home. I do my homework and then go to bed.

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