James Imagine

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Your daughter is getting married

Your oldest daughter, Clarissa or Cali as she is known, is getting married. James is an emotional wreck. His terrified something bad would happen, he cheats, abuses her. James is a worry wuss.

I finish getting the house ready and see Caligetting her hair done. "Cali you excited" said Y/N. "Yes, I just..... dad is happy right?" asked Cali. "Baby, his your dad, his meant to have a lot more worries then me, but his happy. At the end of the day he knows Jake is the one for you. OK your marrying Brad's son. His afraid for lots of stuff. Did I ever tell you about our wedding? My dad was a worry wuss, he objected! Then he took it back, lets just say I was mad. Your dad just wants your happiness, Trust me when I say that" said Y/N. I hug her. "I love you mom" said Cali. "I love you too, sweetie" said Y/N. 

We're all finally ready. James knocks and walks in. .He comes to me and looks at me. "Your beautiful, I love you, baby girl" said James. "I love you too, now go see your daughter, have a word with her, she thinks your not happy" said Y/N. He looks at me and kisses me. He goes over to her. 


I go over. "Cali you look breathtaking. Jake is going to wet himself. Baby girl, your mm told me about you thinking I'm not happy? I am happy but your my only daughter, Oscar will be fine, yur mom will be the one worrying. When you introduced Jake as your boyfriend to u when you were 15, I was shocked, my best friends son dating my daughter, I was shocked but I accepted it. When you got engaged I was happy. He asked me for your hand, of course I said yes, you dated and broke up once. I went to his house and gave out to him. You got back together, now look at you. I'm so so happy. Every time I you and Jake together, I know your soulmates. Your yes light up and so does his. I'm proud of you, Cali, always have, always will. Your my baby girl. I'll always protect you, and so will Jake and Oscar, his 19, he'll kill anyone who will hurt you, as will I and Jakey-boy" said James. I hug her. "Your my dad, dad. I will always be yours" said Cali. "Now lets show Jake how disbelievingly beautiful you are" said James. 

We go to the church and I walk her down the aisle. I go stand beside Y/N. I look at Y/N. "That used to be us" smiled James. "Yes, it was. Hopefully you don't object" said Y/N. "Never, Cali and Jake are like us, soulmates" said James. 

We watched our daughter get married. Oscar is dating Lilly, Tristan's daughter. I swear we need rules. We go to the reception and me and Y/N sit down to listen to the speeches. My turn. "Well hello! Cali and Jake, Jake and Cali. Jake I wish you luck, she's a handful. Who knew you two would get married! I mean you saw each other naked at 1 years old. Anyway, I love you Cali. Jake I love you man! I seen you grow into the person you are today, just don't hurt my daughter or I will cut your dick off" said James, smiling. I hit him. "JAMES!" said Y/N. I sit down and kiss her. "Eijit" said Y/N. I just chuckle. Soon it's their first dance. Me and James start dancing when everyone joins. "I love you" said Y/N. "I love you too" said James. We kiss. 

Cali and Jake gave us grandchildren nine months later, Eleanor and Evan Simpson.

Oscar got Lilly pregnant, they had a baby girl, Lola McVey and got married four months after her birth. He proposed on the night if Cali's and Jake's wedding. 

Well this was fun :) I could imagine James talking to his daughter and telling her he will always love her. 

Lorna Xx

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