The lads tease you

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You and Brad both had a very fun night in your bedroom last night. The lads were staying and you hoped they slept through it since your loud. Your dressed and ready for the day. "Y/N harder..... faster! BRAD" fake moaned Con. Brad hits him. "Y/n your so tight.... I love you!.... Y/N!" Fake moaned James. "Oh shh, your just jealous!" Said Brad. They give us the finger. We laugh and eat.
You and James are the mushy type of couples, so the lads love teasing you guys especially after having sex. They love it! We just blush and walk away but this time we are doing it to annoy them though. We are kissing and hear kissing noises. "Oh wow I'm surprised their not doing it on the sofa" laughed Brad. "OI get out this is our house not yours!" Said James. They roll their eyes and sit down. I just smile. Soon they are back to teasing us.
Me and Con don't usually use PDA in front of people.... only if Con gets jealous he kisses me. Other then that the lads can't tease us much. Me and Con are kissing on the sofa and getting into it. We don't hear the lads walking in. "OMG THEY ARE ACTUALLY KISSING!" Yelled Tris. We pull apart. "They were going for it! Con cover your baby maker!!" Teased James. We blush and sit there. They soon stop and we just sit there.
You and Tris are the PDA people in The Vamps. Tris and I are in love and we just want to cherish our love. The lads find ways to tease us and I guess that's fun for them and embarrassing for us..... ok not that bad of embarrassment. It's a Friday night and we are in the bed and we'll you know. Soon the lads walk in and we never heard them. "TRISTAN FASTER" yelled Con. "Y/N SLOW DOWN YOU HAVE ALL NIGHT" yelled Brad. We broke apart. I blushed and so did Tris. "Ooohooo you making babies!" Said James. We blush. They leave after we chuck a cushion at them. We get back to it.

So who is your favourite member of The Vamps? I like Brad..... and James....... and Connor....... and Tristan! Yeah basically all of them:)

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