James Imagine

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Your a teacher

Your job is the dream job you wanted when you were younger. You teach 16 year olds, which is a challenge at times. Especially with boys flirting with you. James loves you but he has news that could possibly be the worst. He loves that you love your Job but he feels like you barely spend time with him. You prepare your schedule for the next day. Even on weekends you do that.

You wake up and it's Saturday. Your planning on going out with some friends. James is going on a tour of Europe. For the band. "Y/n wanna hang today?" Asked James. "Oh sorry I'm going out with some girlfriends today" said Y/n. James nods. I go get ready. "James tomorrow?" Asked Y/n. "I'm on tour tomorrow. It's fine when I come back we can hang" said James. I nod. I go get in my car and drive to the place where my friends, Lily and Abby. "Hey guys!" Said Y/n. "Hi why aren't you spending time with James? His leaving tomorrow right?" Asked Lily. "Well yeah but you asked me first" said Y/n. They just nod.

We end up going for dinner and a club. We dance and get drunk. I get a taxi home at 1 in the morning. I go in and the lights turn on. "Where were you?" Asked James. "Out with the girls" said Y/n. "You texted me you'll be home by 7 to spend time with me! I'm leaving in a couple of hours and you don't care? That's it I'm sick of this! All you do is  work or go out with friends never with me! I'm done! We are OVER! You can have the house. Sophie will come during the week for my stuff." Said James. He goes to the sofa and lies down. I go to bed and fall asleep. I wake up and go downstairs. Maybe his still here and I can make it up to him. I see a note.


Last night when I broke up with you. I meant it. You work all the time. You spend no time with me. I'm sorry. I'm in love with you but I'm not in love with your work or friends. I'm sorry.


I go make breakfast. I sit down. I frown. All this shit, I need to talk to him. I put on jeans, a top and vans. I run to my car and drive to the airport. I park and run in. I get a ticket, go through security and rush to the gate. I'm too late. I sit down and cry. I've lost him. I've lost My James. There is a tap on my shoulder. "Y/n.... our gate is there. James is sitting there crying" said Brad. I stand up. I look at James. His crying. I go over and sit beside him. "James? I'm sorry!" Said Y/n. "Y/n? What are you doing here?" Asked James. "I'm sorry. I honestly meant to come at 7 but Abby decided to drag me and Lily to a club and I couldn't stop her! I'm sorry! I was scared also. I am deeply in love with you and I just thought if I didn't spend time before today with you, I wouldn't miss you as much. I'm sorry! I love you" said Y/n. "Baby you should have told me. Your my girlfriend now. I love you so bloody much. So what you doing here?" Asked James. "Well I packed a bag and rang my job saying I'm sick and well I'm able to go with you for a while if ya have me" said Y/n. "I'll have you" said James. I kiss him.

Well we did end up married and with three kids, Kelsey, Isla and Noah. Noah is the only boy.

Well I seem to be on a roll:)

Lorna Xx

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