James imagine

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HIS a werewolf

You have been dating since you were both 18. He has a secret, I didn't know until our 4th anniversary. It's a little bit weird. You don't mind his hiding stuff, it's just I notice small things, growling, like what?

But I never say anything in case I insult him. His always protective over me and once his eyes flashed and I want to know.

"Baby we're going for dinner" said James. "OK James" said Y/n. We go to the restaurant, Bills and go in. We both order a burger and Coke. He never drinks but I don't either.

Afterwards we go for a walk in the park. James stops and growls, again with the growling. "Y/n stay here" said James. I look at him. "Why? I What's going on?" Asked Y/n. He looks at me and all of a sudden a wolf runs out. James shifts into WOLF?!

They fight and James wins, the other one ran off. He shifted and came over to me. "Your a wolf" said Y/n. "Yes. I couldn't tell you but now I have and I hope you don't hate me" said James. "I don't I love you" ask Y/n.

We go home. "I want to explain stuff.... first of all your my mate and I am meant to mark and mate you includes sex and biting. And once that is done you change into a wolf as well" said James. I kiss him. Soon we are making out. He bites me on my neck. I moan. Soon we are having sex and finally we fall asleep. Five hours later we wake up. I wake up and look around..... I'm a wolf. James trots over. He licks my face.

James: hi how are you

Y/n: I'm good promise

James: you sure? Ok transform back please

I change back and so does James. We both smile. We kiss.

I will always love James even if we are wolves now.

I'm sorry it's short I'm writing on my phone and it's 8am! So thank you for reading

Lorna Xx

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