He has a child from a previous relationship

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Your a fan of The Vamps, your your younger sister is, you just like their music. One day your walking in the park and see a young girl crying. You walk over. You crouch down to her level. "Hi sweetie, what's your name and where's your mommy or daddy?" asked Y/N. "I got lost.... mommy left..... daddy was at the bench but I wondered off" said the young girl. "What's your name sweetie?" asked Y/N. "Maria" said Maria. "Cool name, my name is Y/N" said Y/N. "I like your name as well" said Maria. "Thank you, let's find daddy" said Y/N. "Yeah his single" said Maria. I laugh. Soon we hear a man calling her. "Mari! I was worried sick! Why did you wonder off?" asked Brad..... WAIT Brad from The Vamps? Oh my god my sister would freak.

"Thank you....." said Brad. "Her names Y/N....Ask her if she is single" said Maria. "Sweetie you don't ask someone you just met if your single" said Brad. "It's fine, and yes, Maria, I'm single" said Y/N. "Great! Daddy give her your number! So we can meet again" said Mari. "Hun.... what did I say?"asked Brad. "Daddy.... it's very important" said Maria. "It's fine. I'll give you my number just text me yours and I'm not as big of a fan like my sis, your number is safe with me" said Y/N, I hand him my number. "Thanks and yeah, I would love to talk to another female that is my mom, sister or Mari" said Brad. "Trust me, my dad left me when my sis was born, he never wanted a second daughter, just a girl and boy" said Y/N. "I'm sorry, we better go, meeting my mom and dad soon" said Brad. We said bye and I went home. I went and sat down. Isn't it weird how I met him?

Anyway me and my best friend, Rose are going for dinner. To Jamie Oliver's Italian. We get there and I spot Brad and Maria. "OMG IT'S BRAD" yelled Rose. I hit her. "Shh" said Y/N as he looks over. "It's Brad Simpson! From The Vamps!" said Rose. We get a table and sit down. Brad and is family are still looking at us, talking. I kick Rose. "Their still looking thanks to you" said Y/N. Rose smirks. The waiter walks over. "Hello, I'm Dave. And your hot" said Dave to me. We're sitting right near Brad and he can hear the waiter out of the corner Brad is frowning. "Uh thanks but don't..... I'll just have the pizza" said Y/N. "Don't have to be a fucking bitch" said Dave. Brad walks over. "Is that how you talk to a lady?" asked Brad. "What's it to you? She rejected me, she needs to know she can't reject me, she's a slut!" said Dave.Brad punches him. Dave stands up and punches Brad harder. I jump up and kneel next to Brad. "You OK?" asked Y/N. "Oh yeah" said Brad. "Daddy his mean!" said Maria. "Oh look the manslut has a daughter" snarled Dave. Dave goes to bend in front of Maria. I grab her and put her behind my back. "Stay away from her! She is a young girl! Go Away before I get you fired!" said Y/N. He stalks off. I look at Maria and Brad. "Are you OK? I just want to know....why did you stick up for me?" asked Y/N. "You know because I met you and you seem really kind!" said Brad. "Thank you!" said Y/N. "Um do you maybe wanna go out with me?" asked Brad. "Yeah, of course!" said Y/N, smiling. "Daddy is she going to be my new mommy?" asked Y/N. "Maybe honey" said Brad. I look at them. "I better get back to my friend and sorry for her screaming Brad! I tried to stop her!" said Y/N. "It's fine, it was funny. My mom asked why I kept looking at you. I better head back with Maria!" said Brad. We finally finish eating and go home. I text Brad to just give him my number.

From Brad

Hey:) Pick you up at 3pm, your beautiful :)

I smile. I text back alright can't wait. I like him.



Lorna Xx

The Vamps Preferences and Imagines Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now