James Imagine

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He has a girlfriend but you love him

Your best friends with James and he has a girlfriend called Kirstie. You have a massive crush on him ...... well you love him but he loves Kirstie. Anyway today is the day where you hang with James.

From James
Hey Y/n:) Kirstie is hanging with us today hope you don't mind:)

To James
Of course not:) more the merrier

Ok so unfair. I go get ready. Kirstie's a model. I'm just me. I'm basically wearing all black today. I get in my car and drive to the shopping centre. I walk to the entrance and see them kissing and laughing. I walk over. "Hey guys" said Y/n. "Oh hi! Sorry Kir was telling me a story" said James. I nod. We go in and walk around.

It's not even that fun. Their talking to each other. "Hey I'm just going to WHSmith" said Y/n. They don't even hear me. I go anyway. I go towards my book I want, After The Fire by Will Hill. I grab it and spot another book. I pick that up too. I go buy it and go back out. James and Kirstie just left me. I frown. Fuck this I'm going home.

I go to my car and drive home. I change my mind and go to my place, no one knows about it, even James. I go up to the loft of the building, it used to be my aunts. She gave it to me when she moved. I never told James about it. I sit down and read my books. I hear a ding.

From James
Where are you?

To James
Somewhere. Sorry I felt sick so I just left. I'm safe. I'm on my own. Need space.

From James
Hey you usually have emojis? Where r they? You OK?

To James
Yeah just sick and tired might go to bed.

I turn my phone off. I lie down and just stare at the ceiling. I love it here. No one would find me. I could order food online. Order clothes online. Work from home. Well I'm a YouTuber so that is easy. But I can't. I can't hide from my problems. I start reading the book again and eventually finish. I order pizza, Coke, cookies and ice cream.

I pay the delivery man and start eating the food! I'm happy here. Ding
From James
Your not at your house? Kirstie has gone home. Where are you? I'm getting worried

To James
I'm safe. I'm somewhere you don't know.

From James
Tell me where you are? I'm sick of this. Just tell me!

To James
An apartment. A loft. My aunts. Not telling you where. I was third wheeling today. I said I had to go to WHSmith, I came out and you LEFT me. So I left. So fuck YOU. Why do I love you? Why am I in love with you? Your a jerk. I HATE YOU!

From James
What? Where are you? Fine. I'll ask someone.

I throw my phone at the wall and it smashes. I start crying. I double lock the door. And sit against it crying.

Soon there is a knock. "Y/n! Open up" called James. "No!" Sobbed Y/n. I sit on my sofa and just lie down. I hear a bang. James got in. "Seriously you made me break the door. I'll pay for the repair. Now what the fuck did you mean by writing I'm in love with you?" Asked James. "What you think it means" said Y/n. "You love me. You can't I love Kir" said James. "I know. James just go. I can't be friends with you" said Y/n. He stands there. "But all of our memories" said James. "Yeah their good ones. I just..... I need to get over you. Just please, if you ever need me, you know my number. I just can't see you with her" said Y/n. "Y/n...... please! I need you!" Said James. I go and hug him. "I need you too but I need to do this. You love Kirstie. I understand that" said Y/n. He looks at me. Really looks at me. He leans down and kisses me. I feel sparks and all that shit when you kiss someone you love. "Y/n give me a chance? I-I know I said I love Kirstie but that kiss.... has WHAT me and Kirstie doesn't" said James. I look at him and kiss his cheek. "Y/n..... I love you." Said James. "I love you too. What about Kirstie?" Asked Y/n. "I'll deal with her" said James. I kiss him. "Um how about I fix this door or get someone now and then we stay here?" Asked James. "Yeah, I'd like that" said Y/n. Someone comes and fixes the door and me and James go to bed.


It's been two years since me and James started dating. When he broke up with Kirstie, she knew how he felt coz of the way he looked at me. She understood. James proposed to me and I said yes. I'm now married and pregnant with our baby boy. Noah Oliver McVey.

Yeah looks like when I told him he always loved me.

I just wrote loads! This has to be my favourite Imagine I ever did!

So yeah wow, I'm happy as I know it😁😁

Lorna Xx

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