Tristan Imagine

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Your a judge on X Factor

Your a judge on X Factor we when it came to Judges Houses of course you invited Tristan with you.

Your quite excited because you have the girls. Tris would be jealous if I had the boys. We're in Morocco and I'm like yay.

It's the day of hearing them singing. I'm quite excited Tris walks to me. "So baby the day has come to listen to them!" Said Tris. "I know! I'm so nervous. I picked brilliant people and I'm just ugh" said Y/n. "Baby you'll do great!" Said Tris. I kissed him. We go down and set everything up. I smile and soon the first girl comes down. "Hi sweetie! Remind Tris of your name" said Y/n. "Oh Lizzie" said Lizzie. "Hi Lizzie I'm Tristan" smiled Tris. Lizzie smiles. She starts singing Power by Little Mix. I love it!! Soon she's finished and Yasmin walks out. "Hi Guys! Tris looking good!" Winked Yasmin. "Ok well I know your name so how about you sing" said Y/n. She nods and sings Worth It by Fifth Harmony. She finished and walks off. Ugh.

Soon all six performed and I just sighed. "You ok princess?" Asked Tris. "I liked three of them, like definite. The other three no" said Y/n. "Go with your heart" said Tris. I nod.

Soon it's telling them. "Yasmin.... your a good singer but I have to say no." Said Y/n. "Fine! I never liked this group or you anyway!" Said Yasmin. She walked off.

"Lizzie it's a definite yes!" Said Y/n.

"Lola yes!" Said Y/n.

"Angie Yes!" Said Y/n.

"Olivia no" said Y/n.

"Isla no" said Y/n.

I'm happy with my group. Soon it's the final and The Vamps are performing. Lizzie is up against Tom from the overs. I smile when The Vamps perform.

Soon the votes is in and we will find out who wins.

"The Winner of X Factor 2017 is...... Lizzie McDonald!" Cheered Dermot. I jump and so does Lizzie! We hug and cry and hug!

After it's over I go home with Tris and lie in bed. "Well Lizzie won" said Tris. "Oh yes!" Said Y/n. We fall asleep.

Anyway we are happy and Lizzie has WON X FACTOR!:)

OMG I can't wait for X Factor this year! Just saying!

And I am starting a Shawn Mendes Imagines books:)

Lorna Xx

The Vamps Preferences and Imagines Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now