Pregnancy series part 3

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Telling the lads

Brad wanted to wait to tell the lads, I told him that we should tell them. He said wait for 3  months. I said yes, because I know his scared that they will hate him, kick him out. So today is the day we are telling the boys.

We are meeting them at Con's house. For band practise, so their in for a surprise. We bought them different tops with something about uncles. I am wearing a top that states I'm going to be a mom. Here is the tops we got for them.



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Brad is wearing this top

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Brad is wearing this top.

We got in the car we ate

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We got in the car we ate. I'm wearing a jumper over the top and so is Brad. We finally got there and we walked to the door and knocked. Con answered. "Hi come in" said Con. We walked in and sat down for a cuppa. We look at each other decided. 

They practise their songs for the first close up show. I sit there. I get up and go to the kitchen. I get their tops on the table, the writing is facing the table. With their names on their top. I take my jumper off and lean against the wall, but make sure that I'm holding the jumper over the "I'm to be a mom". I hear them walking up the stairs. Brad already took his jumper off, but is hiding "I'm going to be a daddy". "Um guys here is a present,your name is on the t-shirt" smiled Y/N. They walk over, and find their tops. They lift them up. They look at it. They gasp and look at me, which my jumper is on the table. "Your pregnant" said all three of them. "Well yeah, 3 months" smiled Y/N. "You never told us" said Con. "We wanted to pass the 12 weeks. Which we did. We only told our families. I told Brad to tell you but we wanted to wait, it wasn't because we don't trust you, it's just that the 12 weeks are important, and we didn't want to over jinx it" said Y/N. "Oh that's fine that!" smiled James, Con, and Tris. We had some Chinese. "So I'm the best uncle?" asked James. "Shut up, all of you are" said Brad. "Oh right" smiled James. We went home. We spend time at the tv and watch Love Island. We soon go to bed, he falls asleep with his hands on my stomach yet again.

So two in night must be your lucky day! Anyway I am enjoying this series! 

Hope you are too! :)

Lorna X.

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