His a criminal (remake)

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You just moved into an apartment and your next door neighbour has some pretty weird people walking in and out. You knew Brad from when you were younger. You don't really know why and you don't want to know. It's not until you hear banging on your door. You answer and see your neighbour Bradley Will Simpson, and your quite scared. "Um can I come in? People are looking for me, Y/N." said Brad. You nod and let him in  and close the door. "Um who is looking for you" you asked. "Um people I owe money" said Brad. "You can just give it to them" you said. "Y/N.... I don't have that type of money. I sell drugs. Not rob banks" said Brad. "You got arrested like 3 times, stop doing it" you said. "Uh no" said Brad. "Uh yes. Maybe if you didn't go in the wrong direction we would still be friends" you said. "I was forced into it. OK! I never wanted this life! When you went off with your girl best friends you forgot me. My dad made me so I did, I had no friends. What ya want me to do? Hang around you like a lost puppy?" asked Brad. I look down, ashamed. I forgot my best friend. "Do you want to know why I left you?" you asked. Brad nods. "I liked you and I was scared. Your dad found out and told me you had a girlfriend for 5 years so I decided to save me from heartbreak I would stop hanging with you, to save my heart. I'm so sorry. If it's worth it, I am still in love with you, I never had a boyfriend or my first kiss. I'mm going to bed, you can have the sofa" you said. Brad walks to me and kisses me. We pull back five seconds later. "Your lucky I love you too" smiled Brad. I kissed him again. 

From then on, you helped him pay, sent his dad to jail for big stuff he did. Luckily Brad didn't take drugs and he stopped dealing and became the boyfriend and the man you always knew. You soon married and had a son. One thing your happy about is that your son now has a dad who is strong and knows his strong and worth it. 


Your boyfriend is James McVey and yes you know his in a gang that has been caught but haven't been to jail. Your pregnant and he doesn't know. Your scared. The baby will grow up in a gang. You decide to write him a letter to tell him why you left and picture of the baby's scan. 

Dear Jay

I'm sorry but I had to leave you.... I'm pregnant with your baby and your in a gang. One thing I don't want our baby growing up like that, knowing stuff like that. That's why I'm not there with you, loving you. Trust me I love you so much. 

Don't bother looking for me. The gang is what makes you happy, I see. Our baby will grow up and will know who you are just busy with work. It has to be that way, James. I'm sorry. I really am. I love you so bloody much but I have to protect my kid from your gang. 

I love you forever and always 


It has been a year since you last saw James and you gave birth to Daisy. My beautiful daughter. She is 8 months. We are at the shopping centre looking for food for Easter Sunday. You walk down the aisle and bump into someone. "Jay?" you asked, shocked. "Y/N....is this my daughter?" asked Jay. "Yes" you said. You look away and just bite your lip. "I'm sorry, Y/N! I quit the gang at first they weren't happy but they realised that I loved you and our baby. I still love you" said Jay. "I love you too" you said. You both kissed. "So your my girlfriend?" asked Jay. "Yes" you smiled. "Daisy this is daddy" you said. Daisy smiles and hugs him. 

You both got married and James finally went through a whole pregnancy. James' three best friends from the gang, left as well to be with their girlfriends, and you are all friends. His friends are Connor Ball, Brad Simpson and Tristan Evans. Al in all you had a very eventful life with those four, they went into music and everyone took to them. 

Connor's and Tristans next:) Hope you enjoyed this one. I want to make a better one then last one, many of this book is going to probably be remakes of ones I wasn't proud off, or weren't really good enough in my eyes. So yeah rn listening to I found a girl by The Vamps. I might put a playlist of the songs that inspire me by writing this. Mainly The Vamps, maybe a little New Hope Club and The Tide:))))

See ye soon! 

Lorna Hayes:) 

*Coz I found a girl you is in love with girl she said that she tried but she's not  into guys! Oh, why,  tell me why, did i fall for those eyes? She said I was nice But she isn't into guy I found a girll* Here's the chorus:) Enjoy the video down below:)

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