His married but loves you JM

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Your really good friends with The Vamps. Your crush happens to be married to Kirstie but you love him. You know you will never be together.

It's James' birthday so you get ready for it. You know this is dangerous hanging around with him. You don't really care, his your best friend, so you can't not go. I get there and go in. "WELL I WANT A BABY KIR!" yelled James. "I DON'T! I'LL BASICALLY BE A SINGLE PARENT!" yelled Kirstie. "We are married for two years! You know what...." said James. I walk in. "GUYS! Stop people will be arriving." said Y/N. "Y/N come with me. I can't be near her" said James. He pulls me out. He gets in the car and so do I. He drives to a pub. "James.... stop.... pull over" said Y/N. He pulls over. "I-I can't handle her! I want a baby, but she thinks I'll be gone" said James. He gets out. I get out after him. "Jay.... just calm down. Listen let's go back, and you two talk about it" said Y/N. "No. Let's get drunk. Me and you like we used to before I got married and dating her. Let's get so drunk I can't remember today!" said James. "Jay.... no" said  Y/N. He walks over and puts his face close to mine. "Please, Y/N... I need a break and I need you to be there, no one else. You know me better then Kirstie" said James. I look at him. His eyes are shining with tears. "Fine. But I'm staying sober" said Y/N. "No we are getting drunk" said James. I look at him. "Seriously.... Jay I need to drive you home after it" said Y/N. "No. Your house, Kir has never been there. You live in that neighbour hood over there, we could walk, leave the car here. Please Y/N I need to let go" said James. I grab his hand and we jump apart cause both of us feel sparks. We go in. He orders us both a pint of Coors Light. We sit at the bar. "How long has this fight about babies being going on?" asked Y/N. "A year. I want a baby so bad. I want a mini baby, to teach guitar and play with but she doesn't want a baby said it'll ruin her figure" said James. I put my hand on his arm. "I'm sorry" said  Y/N. 

Four hours later

We'll drunk and it's 9pm. We walk to my house. We go in and go to my bedroom. We lie beside each other. "Can I tell you something Jay?" asked Y/N. James nods. "I'm in love with you and I would have a baby with you" said Y/N. He kisses me. Soon we are naked and having sex. Afterwards we fall asleep. 


I wake up and look around. I look under the covers.... I'm naked! So is James. Fuck. Suddenly I remember I told him I love him. I can't even sneak out, it's my house! He wakes up. "Did we have sex?" asked James. "Yeah it seems so" said Y/N. "I remember you told me you love me" said James. I look down. "I'm sorry but I don't love you, Y/N.... I'm IN love with you" said James. I look at him. "Really?" asked Y/N. "Yeah I guess this whole year, when I came to you after the fights but I just said we haven't hanged out in a while, I guess I fell for you or I was already in love with you for years and I never knew till now. I'm sorry but I have to go" said James. "Breakfast first though. Your hungover and you need food before you drive" said Y/N. "Your right" said James. 

I give him a good British breakfast or something like that. Soon he goes home. I decide to go visit my mom and dad. I get there and go in. "Hey we're going to James and Kirstie's come on" said mom. We drive to their house and knock. 

Kirstie answers and we walk in. James is sitting there, drinking coffee. 

"I'm going to be honest" said James...........



Lorna Xx

The Vamps Preferences and Imagines Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now