Brad Imagine

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For @R5forevergirl13
You get your periods in public and he helps you with your cramps (cute imagine)

You and Brad are going out for a walk, and also just hanging out before he goes on tour, your happy he is enjoying his job you just wish you
Could spend more time together.

Your ready and Brad walks in. "Katie you ready?" Asked Brad. "Uh yeah just let me grab my phone" smiled Katie. We soon leave and go to the park. "I was thinking a walk and then food?" Asked Brad. "Yeah, OK! That sounds great" smiled Katie. Brad smiles at me. "What?" Asked Katie. "I'm just admiring you" smiled Brad. I blush. "Stop!" Said Katie, smiling widely. "But seriously I love you" smiled Brad. "I love you too" said Katie.

You are walking around when you feel something, you just think you have to go toilet but you know there is no toilets around so you hold it. "So Katie I was wondering something" said Brad. "Yeah..... ow!" Said Katie, in pain. My stomach! "You ok?" Asked Brad. "I don't know, It's cramps" said Katie's. "Um could you maybe have your um periods?" Asked Brad. "What? Um I dunno" said Katie. "Ok let's head back" said Brad. I walk on. I hear Brad gasp. "Katie! You have blood on your jeans!" Said Brad. "WHAT" yelled Katie. Fuck! The Cramps are getting worse! I look at Brad. "Ok ok! Um you go to the car, sit down. I'll buy you pads, yeah sit in the car wait do you um want new panties?" Asked Brad. "Um yeah please" said Katie. Brad nods. I sit in the car and wait.

I see Brad carrying like 4 bags? "Ok SO pads and panties check. Movies and chocolate and sweets, fizzy drinks everything unhealthy so home and relaxing" smiled Brad. I look at him and start crying. "Why you crying?" Asked Brad. "Y-you are S-so thoughtful and the best boyfriend ever. I love you" said Katie. "I love you too" smiled Brad. We go home and I go out my pad on. We sit down and relax. The cramps are so bad. "Hey baby do you want some cuddles and ice?" Asked Brad. I nod. He comes back and puts the ice pack on my stomach and cuddles me. "I love you Katie" said Brad, smiling and you can see the love he has for you in his brown eyes. "I love you to, so so much. No one would do this for me, your one of a kind, I love you" smiled Katie. "I love you, so will you come on tour with me?" Asked Brad. "Yes" said Katie, smiling. We soon go to bed and I realise Brad is my soulmate.

Hope you like it👌🏻👌🏻

The Vamps Preferences and Imagines Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now