You work for his record label James Part 1

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The first meeting Dedicated to the winner of the competition don't worry there is one more winner

It's the day for my new job. I got interviewed to be James McVey's hair stylist, and only James. They then emailed a couple of days later that I got the job. The close up tour for their Night & Day album is the first time I am working with him. I work for his label, for other artists but Joe O'Niell wanted to interview me to see if I will fit in with the lads and crew. The outfits they just said where anything but nothing too revealing. Which I never do, reveal anything I don't want to. My ruck sack is full of hair products. I'm nervous, what if James doesn't like me? I have to do his  hair.

"Lena I'm off" said Y/N. "OK enjoy" said Lena. She's my roommate, and best friend. I get in my car and drive to the destination. "Hi Joe" said Y/N. "Hi Y/N, This way please. James is a nice bloke, he'll like you" smiled Joe. "Oh that's good" smiled Y/N. Joe knocks on the door. We go in. "James, this is your hair stylist, Y/N" said Joe. "Hi Y/N I saw you around the company a couple of times, I always wanted to say hi, but you looked busy" said James. "Yeah sorry, the person who I was working for was really demanding, I was doing everything, getting him drinks and stuff and that isn't my job" said Y/N. "Yeah, the boss guy found out she was being over worked and let her quit the job and work for people and lucky you were in need and your a gentleman so no over working Y/N" said Joe. "I wouldn't over work someone, anyway Joe go away. I wanna get my hair done and talk to Y/N. Get to know her. You seem cool" smiled James. "Thank you" smiled Y/N, blushing. "OK no charming her, no dating allowed!" said Joe. We nod. He left. "Um turn around please" said Y/N. He does what I say. "So how is your album?" asked Y/N. "Good, I love it. We worked really hard and I hope they like it as much as we do" smiled James. "I'm sure it's great and everyone will love it." smiled Y/N. "So why hair styling?" asked James. "I love doing hair, I used to do it to my younger sister, who is 17 now. She loved it till she got to teenage years and hated it. What made you want to start a band?" asked Y/N. "I wasn't doing so good on my own, so Richard got me to pick out boys, first came Brad, the Tris and finally Con, he was so shy. Me and Tris didn't want to share with him, Brad did. Now Con is just like us, loud" smiled James. "Wow, it must be really cool in a band, I was working with a solo singer. Never again" said Y/N. "Oh it was that bad?" asked James. "Yup" said Y/N. "I'm sorry he seemed mean" said James. "It's fine. I'm here, so no worry" smiled Y/N. I finish his hair. "Wow my hair never looks this good." said James. "Thanks, my better job is yours. I did my best on the solo singer but he wanted his hair as high as the London Eye" said Y/N. "That used to me, now no! Why did I do that?" asked James. "You didn't have a good hair stylist!" winked Y/N. "Now I do, hey stand at the side of the stage and watch please, my side" said James. "Um I'll have to ask Joe" said Y/N. "OK JOE!" yelled James. Joe walks in. "Your hair looks good. What did you want James?" asked Joe. "Can Y/N stand on my side of the stage and watch the show?" asked James. "Of course, Y/N you don't have to ask, we're all a family." said Joe.

I go watch the lads perform. After the show I go home and the bus follows and I live my car there and get my stuff and get on the bus and drive to Glasgow. I fall asleep.


Lorna Xx

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