your first kiss (female)

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Nikki Bella
You were hiding from Nikki. You were in her favorite store and she was trying to dress you like a doll. After about 20 minutes of hiding, you could hear her getting worried. You crept from your hiding spot and watched her from behind a shoe rack not too far away. She looked scared. So you tiptoed over and kissed her while her eyes were closed. She jumped away from you before calming down when she noticed it was you. She stood up and kissed you again this time you two shared a long sweet kiss.

Brie Bella
"Angel this is boring," you say as you helped Brie garden. "Honey just one more plant has to be planted and were done," she says. "Ok fine," you sighed.
Skip 5 minutes
"Now what do you want to do," she asked. "I don't know," you answered. "I do," she says enthusiastically. "What," you question. "This," she answers before smashing her lips on yours. Once you kissed back you shared a long passionate kiss.

"Truth or dare y/n," asked one of your friends. "Dare," you answered. "Kiss the person you want to kiss the most in the room," he dared you. You looked across the circle to Paige before leaning over and connecting your lips to hers. You two shared a long heated kiss.

Aj Lee
"If I win we change from playing video games to watching a movie of your choice but if you win I get to kiss you," Aj bargained. "Ok," you agreed.
Skip to end of round
"I beat you I actually beat you omg this never happens," you yell in excitement.  "You won its time I claim my prize," she says before walking over and connecting your lips together. You shared a long romantic kiss before a series of short sweet pecks throughout the night

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