how they ask for your hand in marriage plus how it happened (female)

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Nikki Bella-

Your mom

You and Nikki were shopping with your mom looking for outfits for your mom's birthday party you were throwing her. You went to go try on a dress while your mother and Nikki continued to shop. "Hey Y/M/N (Your mom's name) um can I talk to you for a bit," Nikki asked? " "Of course Nikki what's up," Your mom asked looking up from the rack. "I love Y/N with all of my heart she is my best friend my other half my soul mate and I can't imagine losing her I dreamed of having children and getting married to a man I love but since I met your daughter the man in my dreams has became her every goal and dream I had become her I know traditionally you ask the father but our relationship isn't traditional and I know how much Y/N loves you so will you please give me your blessing to propose to the woman I love," Nikki asked nervously? "Of course Nikki my daughter loves you and is happier than she has ever been before with you-you treat her like a queen and love her wholeheartedly that is all I want for my little girl so how could I say no," Your mother responds. "Thank you that means a lot to me," She thanks hugging your mom.

Brie Bella-

Your twin sister

Your sister and you were helping your longtime girlfriend plant a garden. You heard crying coming from the playpen. "I'll get her Brie you keep working," You call out walking to the playpen. "Hey baby bird," You whispered as you carried her towards Brie's house. "Hey actually while your sister is in there with Bird I need to ask you something," Brie told your sister. "Yeah what about," Your sister asked ceasing her garden work. "You know I love your sister and I wish I could give her the world sadly I can't but I can give her my heart and that is something I want to do for the rest of my days I want to marry Y/N I want her to be my daughter's second mom I wish I could ask your whole family but its hard to meet up with your family so I settled for the next best thing her best friend her closest relative her twin sister so will you give me your blessing to marry your sister," Brie asked looking up at your sister. "Of course Brie I couldn't imagine a better wife for my sister," Y/S/N (Your Sister's Name) accepts right as your voice calls from the door, "Tell mommy who is all better baby bird."


Your best friend

Your family didn't really like Paige so she tries to steer clear of them but she got along with your friends especially Y/B/F/N (Your Bestfriend Name). One day you were all three at the gym when you had to go grab a water. "I'll be back in a sec," You dismiss. Your friend finished her reps and Paige was gonna start her's but stopped. "I need to ask you something," Paige stated. "What," Your friend asked in confusion? "I want to marry Y/N you know how I feel about her were perfect for each other and I want to spend the rest of my life with her do you think I should you are really important to Y/N her family would tell me I was ruining her life and that this was a phase but I really love her and I want your opinion," Paige rants. "She loves you-you love her you are two halves of a whole dude go for it no one else matters," Your bestie encourages. "Thanks," The raven haired WWE superstars thanks. "What are you ladies talking about," You ask? "Nothing important," Paige mumbles starting her squats.

Aj Lee-

Your dad

Aj had planned to propose for a while but knowing you were a complete daddy's girl she wanted to get your blessing first. You both went to lunch with your dad. "Hey, daddy kitten I am gonna use the ladies room I will be back," You dismiss. "Hi Mr. Y/L/N (Your last name) may I ask you a question," Aj asked? "Yes," Your father asked? "I love Y/N more than anything I would die without her  she means everything to me she is gorgeous, funny, caring, compassionate, sweet, and just perfect I want to spend the rest of my life with her I want to call her my wife You are the most important person to her She loves you so much I love and respect you and  It would mean the world to both of us if you would give me your blessing to propose to your daughter," Aj asks? "Aj, of course, you are amazing you make my daughter happier than I have ever seen her she loves you so much I am thankful you asked for my blessing Aj welcome to the family," Y/F/N (Your father's name) welcomes. "Thank you that means a lot sir," Aj thanks happily. 

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