you guys get back together (male)

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Dean Ambrose
You were sitting in your dressing room when he walked in. He motioned you over onto his lap. "Are you done with this whole break idea I hate being away from you," he asked? "Yeah, I don't think I can live without you," you reply honestly. "Good," he said before kissing you. You just sat like that and talked before your matches.

Roman Reigns
Your ex had changed for a while but he was back at his usual antics. You were passed you lost the love of your life for him. You sat at the café you didn't pay attention with the bell chimed until you heard a familiar enthusiastic choice yell your name. You turned around to see the man you were in love with standing at the register and his beautiful running at you. You stood up and met her in the hug. "Hey angel," I say. "I miss you I asked daddy why you never came home again and all your things were gone daddy just said we wouldn't be seeing you again," she explains. You chuckle at her honesty Before saying, "I miss you too." "can we sit with you," she asked? "If it is ok with your dad," you agree. She grabbed his arm and lead him over to you guys and sat down with the twins making you and roman sit by each other. "Hey kiddos," he said. "Hey roman," they say. "Hey," you whisper. "Hey," he says. "Daddy misses you he doesn't do much anymore mommy says he is depressed, " Jojo said. You laughed as Joe scolds her. "It is ok I miss your daddy too," you say. He looks at you before whispering in your ear, " we need to talk," you nodded your head agreeing. Jojo, Lyric, and Alaric wanted to go swimming so Joe invited you to the home you two used to share. You got the kids bathing suits and left the house not wanting the kids near Nate at the moment. You gave them their swimsuits and had them change. "You said we needed to talk," you told Joe. "Are you happy," The Soman asked? "No Joe," you reply honestly. "Then why did you do," the 32-year old asked? " I thought it was what was best but I was wrong I am sorry," you say looking down. He put his hand under your chin and forced your eyes up. "Do you miss me do you miss Jojo," the WWE superstar asked? "More than anything," you reply. He wraps his arms around your waist. "Then I forgive you and we will get someone to get you and the kids' stuff you are moving back in with me," Roman says. "Does that mean you are taking me back," you ask? "Yes," he says before kissing you. You spent the rest of the day swimming and having fun. You were a family.

Seth Rollins
You heard a knock at your door. You got up and opened it revealing the one and only. You went to close it before he put his foot in the way and apologized. You sighed and let him in. "I am sorry for how I treated you it wasn't fair you were just trying to help and I was an ass," the two-toned man said. "I'm sorry for overreacting," you apologize. "I miss you the last month has been hell without you," the 31-year-old answered truthfully. "I miss you too," you answer. "Will you take me back I promise I will treat you better," Seth asked? "Yes," you say. He kissed you before you guys just spent the day watching TV and catching up.

Randy Orton
You were in the bar drinking when you heard an unfamiliar voice slur, "hey babe how are you." "she is fine now she has a boyfriend so beat it," you heard the familiar voice say. "I do not have a boyfriend, " you say. "Ah yeah you broke up with me over the photoshopped picture," he said. "Photoshopped picture," you asked? "Oh, you didn't look at closely did you no you jumped to conclusion that photo was a picture of us on New years that someone photoshopped to have that girl instead of you," Randy explains. "How do I know you are telling the truth," you asked? He pulled up two photos on the phone the photo she sent to you than the one you two took he was right. "Sorry," you mumbled. "Now will you come home, " he asked? "Yeah," you say. "Good," Randy smirks. You two spent the rest of the night getting drunk and talking with one another.

Dolph Ziggler
You heard the doorbell ring. You opened to see a box. You brought it inside before opening it. It had a scrapbook with pictures of you and Dolph and a note. The note said.
               I admit I made a mistake and I am so very sorry. I have no excuse. My time without you had been miserable.  I have organized a scavenger hunt for you. Please per take in this because it took a lot of time, effort, and money to do this. I am sorry. The first clue is where we had our first date goodbye love and miss you
You decided to do the scavenger hunt.
Skip to that night
You arrived at the beautiful park you two used to take runs together in. Only to see him at your spot. You smiled before walking over. He saw you and smiled. "I am so so so sorry god please forgive me," he pleads. "Yes, I will forgive you," you say. "Really," the blonde asked? "Yes," you say. "Will you take me back," Dolph asked? "Yes but you will have to earn key trust back," you say softly. "Thank god," he says kissing you. You spend hours just walking hand in hand through the park and then he takes you to dinner.

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