Daniel Bryan

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How you meet-
You were Seth Rollins little sister but only by two years. You were surprising your brother for his birthday. You got lost and had no idea where you were. You were wandering around not paying attention in front of you. You ran into someone and flew back. "Oh my god I am so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going," you and the stranger rambled in unison. You both chuckled before you finally looked up to see the Smackdown general manager Daniel Bryan. He offered his hand to help yourself up which you graciously took pulling yourself to your feet. "Are you okay," Daniel asked. "Yeah I am fine," you say before asking, "Actually I am kinda lost is there any way you can help me find my brother." "yeah of course who is your brother," The gm asked. "Seth Rollins," you answer. "Follow me," He says. You follow him talking the whole way to your brother's locker room.

How he asked you on a date-
You were drinking tea at a café with him. You were laughing and talking when all of a sudden you noticed a shift from happy to nervous. "Is everything ok Bryan," you asked? "Yeah um I was just um I really like you and was wondering if you would go out with me," Bryan rambled nervously. "I would love to," you say giving him a shy smile. You spent the rest of the day talking and laughing.

Your first date-
He took you to breakfast at his favorite restaurant and then you guys went on a hike. You had so much fun with Bryan. It was the best date you could have imagined because you were with Bryan.

Your couple costume-
Lumberjack couple

Your couple costume-Lumberjack couple

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What you are in his phone-
My future

What he calls you-

What he is in your phone-
My lumberjack

What you call him-

Your First Kiss-
It was your first Christmas together. You were talking with Bryan as your family did whatever around you when all of a sudden your annoying older brother yelled. "Hey y/n Daniel look up." you looked up to see a mistletoe. You blushed a shade of red as the whole room turned to you. Your family started chanting kiss over again until Daniel leaned down and connected your lips. Your kiss was short but sweet and slow.

Who said I love you first plus how it happened-
Your boyfriend had been visiting for a week but now he had to return to the road. "I am gonna miss you," You whine. "I know I am gonna miss you to flower," Bryan says sadly. His plane was called. "Be safe I love you," you confess. "I love you too," he says giving you one last kiss before grabbing his things and leaving.

He asks you to be his girlfriend-
"This is beautiful," you gasp. Bryan had taken you to a beautiful garden. "Not as beautiful as you," The thirty-six-year-old compliments. You blush. "You know I realized something I never truly asked you to be my girlfriend, " he said more to himself than you. "Oh yeah that's true," you say. "Will you y/n y/m/n Rollins be my girlfriend," Daniel asked. You laughed before kissing him. "Of course you idiot," you say.

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