He Proposes

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(A/N: See previous chapter Your Engagement Ring (Male) to view the rings)

Dean Ambrose-

The door handle turned with the movement in your wrist. Your boyfriend's hands were placed on your waist face buried in your neck. The door swung open revealing the pitch black house. You jumped in fear and let a short scream. Dean back away with a smile. The lights flicked on as your friends and family yelled, "surprise!" You entered the house and your lover closed the door behind you. "Happy Anniversary Princess," You heard the familiar voice in your ear. "Happy Anniversary Prince Charming," You reply smiling wide. You spent a majority of the night conversing, drinking, and eating with the closes people in your life. The whole night Dean was next to you his hand in yours twitching with nerves. "Do you want open presents now princess," Your boyfriend of two years asks. "Yeah let me just go grab yours," You say walking up the stairs as fast as your stilettos would carry you. While you were upstairs Seth and Roman walked over. "Which of you have it," Their best friend asked impatiently. Roman pulled out the small velvet black and placed it in his friend's hand. "Thanks," Mumbled the blonde. "Relax brother she loves you she is gonna say yes," Seth reassurance. "Well here comes the Future Mrs. Ambrose now good luck brother," Roman dismisses. "Thanks, both of you I meant it thanks," The blue-eyed WWE Superstar thanks slipping the box in his pocket before letting his eyes drifted towards you. You walked down the steps with more grace than an angel. The two of you met at the gift table. You took turns opening the gifts from other people and thanking them until the table was cleared. You turned on the balls of your feet to face Dean before handing him the medium sized black box. The thirty-two-year-old took it and opened it pulling out the Rolex Deepsea D-blue dial Rolex that had the words: I have loved you since the day I met you and I will love you until the day I die prince charming 4/17/16  "Thank you, Princess, I love it," Your lover thanks leaning over and kissing you taking your hands in his. His hands staying in yours when he pulled away and dropped to one knee. The man you loved pulled out a small black velvet box and opened it before proposing, "Princess the happiest day of my life was the day you came into it I knew even then that you were going to be the most important thing in my life and I was right I love you more than I have ever loved anything in this whole universe and I had this speech planned and I should have written it because now that I am sitting here in awe of how fucking breathtaking you look so I am just going to ask will you make me even more blessed then I am and be my wife?" Tears fell from your eyes and you shook your head yes and answered, "Of course I'll marry you." Ambrose stood up straight placing the beautiful ring on your finger before gripping your face in his hands and smashing his lips on yours kissing you passionately. The crowd erupted in cheers applauds and congrats.

Roman Reigns-

You were sitting on the beach. The children running wild. His family was lounging around with yours. You laid facedown on a towel sun tanning. You felt someone sit next to you and the familiar voice asked, "Wanna take a walk down the beach baby girl?" "Sure Superman," You answer standing up as your lover did the same thing. You wrapped your arm around his middle and he draped his over your shoulder. You walked down the beach noticing a trail of seashells as you went. You noticed a heart made of seashells down the way right at the part of the beach you had met Roman at. When you approached the heart Roman stopped on the outside. In the heart had Will you marry me written in Seashells. "Aw this is so cute," You say turning to look at Roman. He was on one knee with a small pink velvet box opened before you could say anything he proposed, "I love you more than words can express baby girl I want you to be the Lois Lane to the Superman my partner in crime my best friend the mother to my children my everything but more importantly I want you to be my wife so will you do me the highest honor and marry me?" You shook your head yes and Squealing, "Yes Yes a thousand times yes." The thirty-three-year-old stood up he slips the ring on your finger. You jumped into his arms and smash your lips with his. 

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