you guys get back together (female)

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Nikki Bella
"You were stupid," the hair stylist said. "What do you mean," I asked? "Well you and Nikki were perfect for each other and you messed it up," Sandra the costume designer explained. "I agree," says a familiar voice behind you. You turned around to see Nikki. "We will give you some space," Sandra said. They both walked out of the room. "Hey," the brunette says. "Hey," you say. "I miss you," the Bella said. "I miss you to I am sorry," you say. "Will you get back with me," she asked? "Aren't I suppose to ask that but yeah," you say. She kisses you before running off. You spent the night cuddle together.

Brie Bella
You had passed at one night and woke up in the hospital. Brie sat next to you. "You were right," you groan in pain. "You think," she says. "Im sorry," you say. "Its fine," the Bella said. "Will you take me back," you asked? "Yes," brie says. She lent down and kissed you. You spent the day listening to her tell you stories about her life.

She saw you at the bar. She watched as you and some blonde flirted back and forth. She watched as you kissed the blonde. She growled before storming over there. "Leave before I make it so you can't leave," the anti diva threatened. The blonde ran off quickly. "Why did you do that," you demanded? "Well I don't like watching what's mine be touched by somebody else," she growled. "If you can't remember correctly we are over," you state. "I don't want us to be," The raven haired girl says. "News flash I know this pay surprise you but the world doesn't revolve around you," you growl. She just slammed her lips against yours. You fought back for awhile but slowly melted into the kiss. She pulled away. "So your mine right," Paige asks? "Yeah," you say. You spent the rest of the night "with" Paige.

Aj lee
You got a text. It said.
From my crazy chick
To you
I am sorry. I understand the problem now. Will you forgive me?

To my crazy chick
From you
Its ok and yeah I forgive you

From my crazy chick
To you
Can I come home?

To my crazy chick
From you
You spent the rest of the night moving her back in then having a gaming night.

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