how she asked you to be her girlfriend

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Nikki Bella
You were at a party Nikki threw randomly when you heard Nikki voice over the speakers. You turned towards the stage and Nikki began talking
(A/n I am making Nikki speech in italics)
I wanna thank all of you for being here tonight first thing but now everyone has been asking why I threw this party well it is simple I wanted to ask a very special person a very special question y/n you are beautiful, amazing, funny, kind, and every other good word in the dictionary I have realized that I have major feeling for you so what do you say sexy will you be my girl
The spotlight shined on you and you yelled of course.

Brie Bella
You decided to go to a teacup place and make each other a teacup for one of your dates.  You made one that says 🌟🌟💗💗Angel💗💗🌟🌟 for her which was simple but she made one that said will you be my girlfriend accept the yes cup for yes cup for yes and the no cup for no. You picked up the yes cup and then hugged her.

You two decided to go go-cart racing. She made the bet if she won you were her girlfriend and if you won you got to have a day with Paige doing whatever you wanted. You let her win.

Aj Lee
"Aj will you teach me the black widow," you asked?
"If you be my girlfriend," she countered.
"Deal," you replied instantly. You two hugged before she taught you the black widow.

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