Cm punk

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(A/N I am going to use his real name)

How you meet-

You are Vince McMahon's daughter. You were Stephanie and Shane's little sister. "Hey, sis," You heard a voice call as you were leaving the arena. You turned around to face your sister. "Yes Steph," You ask? "I am super busy and my assistant forgot to deliver this script and I just sent her home because she wasn't feeling good so I was wondering if you could deliver it on your way out," Stephanie asked? "Sure sis who's script is it," You agree before asking? "Thanks, y/n you're a lifesaver and Cm punk," Your older sibling answers. "Yeah now go do what you're so busy doing just remember you owe me," You joke. Stephanie laughs before walking away. You continued walking down the hall until you saw the list of superstars in each locker room. You searched for his name on the list finding him in locker room A. You found the locker room and knocked on the door. Your friend Zach opened the door. "Hey doll looking for all this," He joked. "Sadly no I was looking for Cm punk," You joke back before showing the script. "Ight let me get him," Zack said. "Thanks," You say. A few moments later an attractive man with black hair and light brown eyes appeared. You couldn't help but be locked in a trance for a while. You snapped out of your trance when you heard him say, "Zack said you needed me." "Oh um yeah sorry here is your script," You say blushing a shade of red as you handed him the paper. "Thanks, I am sorry whats your name," Cm punk asked with a smile. "Oh yeah right I am Y/n McMahon," You answer your cheeks turning a shade redder. "Did anyone ever tell you-you're cute," The WWE superstar asked with a smirk? "I am sure someone at some point did," You answer awkwardly. "Well let me tell you again you're cute," He said with a smile that only caused him to become hotter. "Thank you," You stutter nervously. "Well I have to go read this but I hope to see you around sometime," Cm punk says before walking away. You walked away scolding yourself for being so awkward. 

How he asked you out-

You had let your friend Zach Ryder drag you to one of his parties. The only problem was you didn't drink so you had to suffer through the painful night of watching the drunk idiot around. You had a massive headache and were about to leave when you felt a hand touch your shoulder. You turn to see the same guy you delivered the script for a few days ago. "Y/n right," He asked? "Yeah, your cm right," You ask? "That is just my ring name my real name is  Phillip," He introduces. "It's nice to meet you, Phillip," You say with a smile. "I was just about to go grab something to eat at the pizza joint down the street and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come," The 39-year-old asked? "sure let's go," You say.  You and Phillip walked down the street to the pizza joint laughing and talking the whole time. You guys did the same thing as you ate. When you went to pay the WWE superstar beat you to it. "Thanks, this was fun," You say to him. "Yeah, it was we should hang out again sometime," The black haired man says. "For sure," You agree. "Maybe this time it could be a date," The light brown eyed man suggests. "I suppose," You joke. He walked you back to your car both of you with smiles on your face.

Your first date-

Punk found out you were a huge comic fan too so for your first date he took you to the comic store where you both picked your favorite comics and gave them to the other. He then took you on a guided horse and carriage ride through the gold coast neighborhood. He ended the night with a romantic dinner. You had an incredible time and truly fell for him.

Your couples costume-

Little red riding hood and the wolf

Little red riding hood and the wolf

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