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How you meet-

You were at the hall of fame ceremony. The ceremony hadn't started yet so you sat there on your phone until you heard an English British hybrid accent ask, "Is this seat taken?" You looked up and saw a tan brunette. "No, you can sit there," You grant. She and you talked until the show started and then you guys talked during the break.

She asks you out-

You and Layla had become great friends. You both had gone to workout that morning and then out to breakfast. "Hey so there is this new movie that I have been wanting to see we should go see it," Layla suggested. "Yeah, that would be cool," You answer. "I was hoping it could be a date," she says. "Layla I would love for it to be a date," You answer. 

Your Couple costume-

Daisy Duck and Minnie Mouse

Daisy Duck and Minnie Mouse

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What you are in her phone-

Daisy Duck

What she calls you-

My heart

What she is in your phone-

Minnie Mouse

What you call her-


Your first date-

She took you to see a movie she had wanted to see and then you both went out for dinner.

Your first kiss-

You were on a roller coast. You had not wanted to go on it but Layla insisted so here you were. You got to the part before the drop. You closed your eyes preparing for the drop but instead, you felt a pair of soft lips on your own. You kissed back. The kiss was slow and loving. You never even felt the ride stop.

Who says I love your first plus how it happens-


You threw a party for Layla to celebrate her retiring. All your friends and family were there. You went on the stage to make your speech. "I want to thank you for joining me in celebrating my beautiful spectacular talented girlfriends career and helping me welcome her to the new chapter of her life Layla you have had one of the best and longest careers as a WWE You have taught and inspired me and I can't wait to see what you become I love you and I speak for all of us here and the entire WWE universe when I say thank you," You announce. You walked over to her and gave her a peck on her lips. "I love you," she confesses. "I love you too," You say smiling.

How she asked you to be her girlfriend-

You and Layla were out at dinner when she just asked. You of course agreed.

Your first fight-

Christmas was coming up and you Layla were trying to figure out which family to celebrate with. "We went to yours for Thanksgiving it is only right we go to my families," Layla sighs. "Yes but you are retired you get to see your family anytime you want," You argue. "WHY DOES EVERYTHING ALWAYS HAVE TO BE ABOUT YOU YOU ARE SELFISH," She screams. "WOW  I AM SELFISH BUT YET I MOVED FROM W/Y/L (WHERE YOU LIVE) TO BE WITH YOU I LEFT MY FAMILY MY FRIENDS TO BE WITH YOU BUT BECAUSE I TRAVEL ALL THE TIME AND JUST WANT TO GO SEE MY FAMILY I AM SELFISH," You scream. "THEN YOU UNDERSTAND WHY  I WANT TO SEE MY FAMILY," The brunette screams. "I AM GOING TO SPEND CHRISMAS WITH MY FAMILY WITH OR WITHOUT YOU," You yell. "Wait that is it you can go spend Christmas with your family and I will spend Christmas with mine," she says. "That actually is a good plan," You say with a smile. "I am sorry I called you selfish I was just upset and shouldn't have said that my heart," Layla apologizes. "It's okay I love you, darling," You forgive. "I love you too," The brown-eyed woman agrees.

You break up-

Layla was traveling because of her dancing and you were traveling because of WWE. Your schedules barely collided. It had gotten to the both of you. You had met someone on the road. She made you happy and was there to talk to. One day you were in your hotel room with her when she kissed you. You didn't know what came over you but you kissed back. You heard the door open. You pulled away from Ally (Random name) and snapped your head around to see a teary-eyed and frozen Layla. "Layla I can explain," You start. "Save it we are through," She says before stomping off. You didn't follow after her you just sat there crying.

You react to the breakup-

You hated yourself. You closed up. You blew up her phone. You were a mess.

You get back together-

You showed up at your once shared house with flowers, a teddy bear, and chocolate. You knocked on the door. Layla answered the door with a face that matched your own. Bloodshot teary eyes and read puffy tear soaked cheeks. "Layla I am  so sorry I don't have an excuse because it was entirely wrong but I do have to give you an explanation I was lonely we hardly talked we saw each other even less When we did talk or see each other we fought she was there she kissed me and I kissed back I am so sorry I understand if you can't forgive me or can never trust me again but I love you and I need you, Layla, please give me a second chance," You ask? "Yes but it will take time to rebuild trust," She answeres. "OK," You say with a smile. 

Who she is jealous of-

Eve Torres

You guys were great friends. She was beautiful. You spent a lot of time with her. She was closer to your age.  Layla couldn't help but be jealous.

Who you are jealous of-

Michelle McCool

They are like best friends. They were tag team partners. They hung out all the time. She was gorgeous. You couldn't help but be jealous.

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