Your first date (female)

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Nikki Bella
She took you to high tea. It was a little to up class for you but you had fun pretending to be fancy for the day plus the only thing that mattered to you was you two were together. You both had fun talking. It was the greatest date because you got to know Nikki.

Brie Bella
She took you to the carnival. You took turns winning prizes for each other. You rode rides. It was probably the greatest date ever just because you had fun just enjoying each other.

She took you bowling. You had a couple drinks bowled a couple rounds and ate dinner. The whole night you were talking and laughing. You would place this as your number one date because you got to be yourself and have fun with someone very special to you.

Aj Lee
Neither of you were into fancy so she planned a date where you binged on the couch, eat pizza and sweets, and played video games. It was the best date because it showed you truly would be dating your best friend.

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