Summer Rae

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How you meet-
You were in a nightclub when the waiter walked up. He handed you to drink. "I did not order this," you say. "She said to give you this," he said pointing to a gorgeous blonde in the corner. You thank the waiter before walking over to the girl. "Thanks for the drink," you say. "No problem my name is Summer," the tall blonde introduced. "Y/n," you introduced. "Would you like to sit," Summer asked? "Sure," you say. You spend the rest of the night flirting, laughing, and talking with her.

How she asks you out-
You met up for coffee a couple days after you met. "Hey," you say. "Hey," summer says back. "So you said you have to ask me something," you say curiously. "Yeah there is this new nightclub opening up Friday and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me," she asked? "Of course," you say. You both just hung out why you finished the coffee.

Your first date-
You drank, laughed, and danced together all night. After the club closed at sunrise you both retired to a twenty-four hour dinner.  You spent the time at the dinner eating and talking. It was the best date you had ever had because it was the best night of your life.

Your couple costumes
Snow White and the evil queen

Your couple costumesSnow White and the evil queen

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What you are in her phone-
💋💋 sexy 💋💋

What she calls you-

What she is in your phone-
👑 my queen 👑

What you call her

Your first kiss-
You were walking through the mall. The two of you saw a picture booth. You both climbed in. She paid for it and went through the set up. The first picture you took was a normal smiling one. The second picture was a silly face. The third picture was of her arm around you and your head on her shoulder. The fourth picture was her arms wrapped around your waist as your arms were around her neck as you guys looked in to each others eyes. She then closed the small gap and connected your lips. The fifth photo was of you two sharing a long passionate kiss.

Who said I love you first plus how it happened-
"Summer did you really flirt with Daniel Bryan," you asked? "No where did you hear that," The blonde asked? "Paige said Brie told her," you answer. "They need to stop with all the rumors were not in high school she is just jealous because I love you and she has no one to love," Summer confess obliviously. "I love you too," you confess smirking. "What," she asked? "You said you loved me so I told you I love you too," you say. She just kisses you.

How she asks you to be her girlfriend-
You were cuddled together watching her matches. "I love you baby," she whispers kissing your forehead. "I love you too," you say kissing her cheek, "I just realized something," summer said. "What Blondie," you ask? "I never officially asked to be my girlfriend," the long legged women says before asking, "will you be my girlfriend?" "yes," you say kissing her.

Why you keep your relationship a secret-
You do not try to hide your relationship

Your first fight-
"Do you wanna go out tonight," she asked? "Actually I can't I have plans with Natalya," you say. "Again," the kingmaker asked angrily? "Yeah why are you so mad," you asked? "oh I don't know THE FACT THAT YOU ARE ALWAYS WITH HER," the blonde argues. "WE ARE JUST FRIENDS WHAT IS THE PROBLEM," you scream? "THE PROBLEM IS YOU NEVER have time for me anymore," she explains her voice cracking as tears rolled out of her eyes. You wrap your arms around her soothing her, "I am so sorry I didn't even realize I promise from now on I will spend more time with you I will even cancel and spend time with you instead." "really," the blue-eyed girl asked?  "Yeah," you say before kissing her.

You break up pt. 1-
"Did you really show up at Nattie's and slap her," you question. "Yeah," she says. "You know you broke her nose right," you say. "Really good she deserved it," the blue-eyed WWE diva said. "No she didn't Nattie is a nice person and the way you treat her is terrible," you argue. "She is a bitch to me and I am a bitch to her," she says before adding, "anyway I have a match see you after." "remember to watch out for Nattie's nose," you say as she walks out of the room.
Skip to after the match
To say you were furious was an understatement. "WHAT WAS THAT," you yelled? "A match," she says. "YOU HIT NATTIE'S NOSE," you screech. "IT IS CALLED WRESTLING, " the blonde screams. "YOU DID IT ON PURPOSE IT IS CALLED BEING A BITCH," you yell before adding," I am going to go check on my friend." "I will call you," the 33-year-old said. "Don't bother," you answer walking out and slammed the door.

How you react to the break up pt. 2-
You were angry. Natalya was the only person she was like that too. You ignored her phone calls her text everything. You cried yourself to sleep and when you woke up you would cry but that was it.

You guys get back together pt. 3-
You heard a knock at your door. You didn't bother looking who it is. You just opened the door. She pushed past you. You close the door. "I have tried to call and text you," Summer says. "I have been trying to ignore you," you say. "I am sorry ok for turning into a Bitch," the 33-year-old apologized. "Are you," you question? "Yes I am I am sorry," the blonde says. "Promise you will stop," you ask? "Yes I love and miss you," the blue-eyed woman says. "Fine I will take you back," you say. She kissed you. " I love and missed you too," you say.

Person she is jealous of-
You two are really close friends. When you two are together you guys are constantly laughing. She doesn't like Natalya anyways but she can't help but feel jealousy and anger fill her veins when she sees you two.

Person you are jealous of-
They are best friends. They are the same person really. They can laugh and talk for hours. They have been friends for years. So when you saw them you did grow quite jealous.

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