Nia Jax

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How you meet-

You and Alexa Bliss were best friends in high school but as you grew up you lost touch. Recently you got reacquainted and she wanted you to meet her best friend Nia. You got dressed up in and headed out to the bar. You walked into the club and surveyed the area. You spotted the familiar blonde hair with pink tips sitting next to a gorgeous brunette. You walked across the crowded bar. "Alexa," You speak up. "Y/n," She greets standing up and hugging you. The stunning stranger stood up and stuck her hand out and introduced," Hi I am Nia." "Y/n," You greet gripping her hand and shaking it. The three of you took your seats and order your drinks. Through the night you and Nia really hit it off.

How she asked you out-

Nia and you were hanging out one day when she just came out and asked you if you would going bowling with her. You of course accepted.

Your first date-

She took you out bowling. You guys spent the night bowling, talking, and laughing. It was the best date you had ever had because it was a fun day where you got to know Nia.

Your couple costume-

You went as a pair of Hippies

What she calls you-

pretty Girl

What you are on her phone-

My Pretty Girl

What you call her-


What she is on your phone-

My sun

Your first kiss-

You went to the live event she was working out. You watched her win her match. She celebrated her victory before sliding out of the ring walking over to the front row where you were sitting. Nia gripped your face and smashed her lips to yours. You kissed back with just as much passion and the two of you shared a passionate long loving kiss.

Who says I love you plus how it happened-


You were backstage with Alexa when she asked, "So how are my two best friends?" "Were good she makes me so happy I feel on cloud nine when I am with her she makes me laugh and she is just so easy to talk to I love every moment I am with her She makes me smile just being in the same room as her My heart skips a beat when she smiles her laugh is music to my ears and god when she is sad it physically pains me," You explain with a big smile on your face. "You're in love," She teases in a sing-song voice. "I really am I am truly madly deeply in love with Nia I just don't know how to tell her," You admit. "You love me,"Nia asked? You snapped your head around and gasped in shock. "Yes," You answer. She was silent for a while before you squeaked out, "Say something." "I love you too," she confesses. You smiled as you both stepped forward. You wrapped your arms around her and she wrapped her arm around you before your lips collided in a loving kiss.

How she asked you to be her girlfriend-

You had a job as a celebrity interviewer. You couldn't be happier that you got to interview Nia. So when the day came you were already in hair and makeup when the woman you loved walked in. She walked over to sit in the chair next to you but before sitting down she leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to your feminine lips.  "Good Morning sunshine," You greet as she settles in. "Good morning pretty girl," She greets happily. You and her chatted until you were called to start the episode. You sat down and smiled a huge smile as the director counted down, "1,2,3 and go." "Hey everyone good morning thanks for joining me on this episode of speeling the tea (A/N Show I made up and a dumb name I know but I couldn't think of a good name lol) on today's episode I am going to be joined by the beautiful talented irresistible force WWE superstar and reality tv Total Divas star Nia Jax," You announce enthusiastically clapping along with the audience. She walked out and joined you on the couch you were sitting at. "Welcome to the show Nia thank you for joining us," You greet. "Thank you for having me," She thanks. "Now I don't know if you watch the show," You lie before continuing, "but if you do then you know we like to start of every episode by taking some questions from Social Media is that ok with you?" "I am scared," She jokes. 

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