who you are jealous of (male)

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Dean Ambrose
Renee Young
You know she was Dean's ex. You knew they were still friends. You trusted dean but you still couldn't help but feel with jealousy when you see the two together.

Roman Reigns
Galina Becker
That was his ex-wife and the mother of his child. You more than anyone understood the connection of having a child with someone. So it made you nervous and jealous when they were together.

Seth Rollins
Zahra Schreiber
He cheated on his ex-fiancé with her. So when you found out they still talk occasionally your body filled with jealousy.

Randy Orton
Kim Marie Kessler
They were married once. They truly cared for each other and they really loved one another. So it made you nervous when he was around her. You were afraid his feeling would come back for her.

Dolph Ziggler
She jokingly flirted with him. He jokingly flirted with her. They were good friends. You were afraid Dolph actually like her because they were both similar. Those thoughts lead to jealousy clouding your mind.

(Please read authors note- hey is there anyone I can add if so comment who I have thought about adding Finn Balor would you want me to? Is there someone else you want me to add? Just comment thanks for reading sorry just want your opinion)

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