your first fight (female)

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Nikki Bella-
"Nikki this is amazing but I can't accept this," you sigh. "Why I bought it for you," she asked cluelessly. "Nikki you need to stop buying me gifts," you tell her. "Why I make a lot of money and I can afford this and want to spoil my girlfriend so I will continue to spoil you," Nikki explains. "Nikki I know that but people keep saying I am using you for your money," you explain sadly. "Why are you listening to people now you have never listen to people before and frankly you are sounding more ungrateful than anything," the brunette explains sternly. "I am not ungrateful I love it but I care about you not your money and I'm just trying to tell you that I don't need to be Spoild with gifts just spoil me with your love," you say. "Whatever," your girlfriend of a year says before walking off. You went on a jog before coming home to her sitting on the couch waiting for you. "Y/n I have thought about it and I will slow down on spoiling you but I won't stop," your girlfriend explained. "Thank you I love you beautiful," you say to her before kissing her. She pulled away "I love you to sexy," she says before kissing you. You pulled away because you smelt something burning then you remembered you had been cooking. You ran to the kitchen turning everything off and pulling it out of the oven. "well shit there goes my breakfast," you say before both of you busted up laughing.

Brie Bella-
You were watching a movie with Brie when her phone rang. She checked the caller id. She then clicked accept and walked out of the room. That had been happening a lot her sneaking around and lying to you. You heard her say, "thanks but please remember y/n cannot know about this." you decided this was the final straw. Your girlfriend walked in with a smile on a face that instantly dropped when she saw your face. "Who was that," you asked surprisingly calm? "No one," Brie said. "Are you cheating on me," you asked sternly? "No of course not," the Bella twin said. "THEN WHAT ARE YOU HIDING," you screamed. "NOTHING OTHER THAN A FUCKING SURPRISE PARTY FOR YOUR FUCKING BIRTHDAY," she screamed before adding, "YOU WOULDN'T BE WORRYING IF YOU TRUSTED ME." "OH DON'T PULL THAT TRUST BULLSHIT ON ME," you growled before screaming, "I WAITED DAYS WITH YOUR SECRETIVE BEHAVIOR BEFORE I GOT SUSPICIOUS EVEN MORE BEFORE I CONFRONTED YOU I HAVE ALL THE TRUST IN THE WORLD FOR YOU BRIE." "Maybe I should have handled the secret differently and I am sorry but I don't think trust is instantly assuming I'm cheating," she explained softly. "I am sorry about jumping to conclusions but if I did the same shit you would think the same thing," you explain calmly. "I'm sorry okay I was just trying to be nice and surprise you and now I am a terrible person," the brunette says as she starts crying. You wrap your arms around Brie before saying, "you're not a terrible person I love you and by the way, you are the best person I know. Angel." "thank you I love you too but guess what the worlds best person goes to you honey," she says before leaning up and kissing you.

"Paige do you ever want to go public," you ask your girlfriend of 6 months as you guys cuddled. "I don't know," she admitted. You shot up before pretty much yelling, "you want to hide our relationship forever." "not forever just until I'm done with wrestling," she explained. "Paige that is a long time to hide I love you and I want the world to know I love you," you explain. "WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO BE SO STUBBORN UGH I DON'T WANT TO GO PUBLIC OK," she yelled. "WHY NOT ARE YOU AFRAID OF WHAT SOMEONE MIGHT SAY ABOUT YOU DO YOU NOT CARE ABOUT ME ARE YOU EMBARRASSED By ME," you ask? "FUCK YOU IF YOU THINK THOSE ARE THE REASONS THIN YOU DON'T KNOW ME AT ALL," she screamed. "WHAT IS YOUR REASON THEN PAIGE," you growl at her. "YOU WANNA FUCKING KNOW OK HERE IT IS I DON'T WANT YOU TO GET HATE," she screams. "I CAN TAKE IT YOU KNOW ME," you yelled. "I DO KNOW YOU AND YOU ARE STRONG BUT THE WWE UNIVERSE CAN BE EVIL AND CRUEL IF THEY WANT," she explains. You lay your head back on her arm and she kisses your forehead. "I can't argue with you anymore I will do or say something I will regret so I going to make a deal with you on our 1 year anniversary we go public," you negotiate. "Deal but you promise you don't let the hate get to you and if you do you come to me," Paige states and sticks her pinky finger out. You wrap you pinky figure around her's and promised. You cuddled back into her.

Aj Lee-
(Sorry this has a lot of build up)
"Aj can you please play the game later," you practically beg? "No y/n I have a level I have to beat," she pretty much growls at you. That is it the only sentence she has said to you all week is her saying she won't spend time with you again. You had spent time together once in the last two weeks and she has had like  3 conversations with you in a little over 2 weeks. You were going to let it go but this is the last time. "I am going home I will see you tonight remember we are meeting the girls at 8 so I will meet you at the club at 7:55," you told her walking out. You got to your house since it was 5:00 you started getting ready. At 7:00 you were ready so you called the taxi. The taxi arrived outside at 7:30. You got to the club 7:50. You waited a whole 40 minutes before she showed up. "Where were you," you demanded? She just grabbed your hand and walked into the club. You were having fun with the girls but Aj was ignoring you she even danced with another girl. You told Naomi and Paige you weren't feeling well and we're gonna go home. You called the taxi. It arrived like 10 minutes later. You got home after a 20-minute long uber ride and got ready for bed. You went to bed thinking about how you were gonna break up with Aj. You woke to banging on the door. "Why did you leave last night," she asked harshly. "I didn't want to see my girlfriend dance with someone else and I don't like being ignored," you say angrily. "I wasn't ignoring you," Aj insisted. "Oh so anytime I talked to you not replying isn't ignoring someone," you say sarcastically. "Even if I have been you are being dramatic," she says nonchalantly. "GET OUT," you screamed. "Wow calm down," she said. "NO, I AM DONE YOU ARE MISTREATING ME I AM NOT GOING TO ACCEPT IT," you scream. "I'm sorry baby I didn't realize that I was doing that to you I won't do it again I swear," she says. "Thank you I love you kitten," you say. "No problem unicorn," the brunette says as you guys started to laugh.

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