Sasha Banks

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How you meet-
You were a really popular singer. You were recording a collab with her cousin when a gorgeous purple haired girl walked in. "Hey," she said hugging snoop dog. "Hey," he said hugging her back. She looked at you and smiled. "Who's this," Sasha asked? "This is y/n she and I are recording a song together," The rapper introduced. "Hi y/n I am Sasha snoops cousin," she introduces. "It is really nice to meet you," you say. "Same," The diva says. She stayed the rest of the day and you guys hit it off.

They ask you on a date-
You were walking around the mall laughing and shopping. You went to y/f/s and found a really pretty dress. "I am buying this for you," Sasha said. "No, I do not need you to," you object. "I want to and if you are so worried about it go on a date with me to pay it back," The purple haired girl says. "Ok," you say happily.

Your first date-
You guys had a sleepover for a date. You danced around the house in your pj's to K-pop for hours. You guys settled down and being watch Anime and eat snacks cuddle together. You had a blast. It was the best date imaginable because you had the time of your life.

Your couple costume-
Mermaid man and barnacle boy

Your couple costume-Mermaid man and barnacle boy

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What you are in her phone-
My bae😘😍

What she calls you-

What she is in your phone-
My boo😘😍

What she calls you-

Your first kiss-
You were dancing at the club with Sasha. "I will be right back I am gonna run to the bathroom," Sasha yelled over the music. You kept dancing when I guy came up behind you and started grinding on you. You pull away and whip around. The guy tried to pull you into him but you pulled back. "Excusing me but I am here with someone," you spat in disgust. "Sure you are," slurs the stranger. "I am I am here with my girlfriend so if you could please go," you snap. "Damn that is hot do you and her want to go someone private, " the drunk man in front of you slurs. "Beat it before I break that arm," snaps Sasha. The drunken stranger left. You were pulled to face her when she slammed her lips are to yours. You were as stiff as a board due to shock. She pulled away worried she overstepped. You pulled her back to you and kissed her. You shared a long passionate kiss.

Who says I love you first and how it happened-
"So Sasha so are the rumors true are you with singer y/f/n," the interviewer asked? "Yes," She says smiling. "Can you tell us about her," the interviewer. "Um where can I start she is the dream girl she is so gorgeous as everyone can tell she is the funniest person I know she is so sweet she is honestly selfless she put everyone before her she is so talented but even more supportive I could not see my life without her," she beamed. "It sounds like you care about her," the interview says. "Yes, I am truly madly and deeply in love with her," Sasha answer. You sent her a text saying
To: my boo😘😍
From: my bae😘😍
I love you too

How she asked you to be her girlfriend-
You were at her cousin's concert. She said she would be right back she was gonna go to the bathroom. A few minutes go by until you heard Snoop introduce, "Hey guys my baby cousin has something she wants to ask someone very important." the purple haired woman walks to the microphone. "So there is this really beautiful woman in the audience tonight she means the world to me I want to officially make her mine so y/n will you be mine," Sasha asked? A light shines on you as you nodded your head yes. She came back to you as her cousin continued his set. You pulled her to you and kissed her.

Why you keep your relationship a secret-
You kept it private until you guys knew you were something real.

Your first fight-
"You stood me up," you heard a growl from the couch. "I did not mean to I just got caught up in the studio," you explain. "you could not call or text me or answer any of mine," She growled. "You know I keep my phone off and put away while I am recording," you answer flatly. "I WAS WORRIED," she yelled. "I WAS RECORDING I HAVE A VERY STRICT DEADLINE FOR THIS ALBUM THAT NEEDS TO BE MET," you yell back. "SO YOUR CAREER IS MORE IMPORTANT THEN ME," she asked? "OF COURSE NOT I LOVE YOU," you yell. "I'm sorry I just miss you between me working and you working we never have time for each other so I was really looking forward to tonight," explains voice breaking. You walked over and pulled her into your arms. "I am sorry I will make it up to you I promise," you say.

You break up pt. 1-
You had gone out with a group of your friends. You went out to the club got drunk and danced. You got home smiling and laughing only for it to be killed by your girlfriend. She has a huge jealousy problem. "Can you calm down," you slurred. "Did you cheat on me," she asked? You sobered up a bit at that. "I am done," you say. "What," she asked? "Get out," you answer. "I am tired of your jealousy I am done," you say. "Bae please," she started. You cut her off and said, "If you went go I will." you say. "No I will go," Sasha said. She grabbed your purse and left.

How you react to the break up pt. 2-
You admit you overreacted but you were fed up with all the jealousy. You couldn't see anyone without fighting when you got home so you knew OT was for the best. You didn't cry you kinda just wrote songs about how you feel. Other than your music and being a lot more lonely you went in with your everyday life.

You get back together pt. 3-
You got home and saw her car outside. You walked in and saw her bags at the bottom of the stairs and her coming down them. "Don't worry I am just getting my things," she said sadly. "Don't go," you spit out before explaining, "please don't go." "You said you were done," she says. "I was partially intoxicated and I was tired of the jealous pissed off at the fact you accused me of cheating again," you explain. "So you want me to come home," Sasha asked? "Yes but please work on the jealousy," you say. "Of course one come help me unpack," she says. You spent the rest of the day listening to K-pop and unpacking her things and the rest of the night cuddled together eating and drinking sweets while watching anime.

Who she is jealous of-
She is a very jealous person. She can't help it. You guys don't have a lot of time together. She is worried someone will take you from her.

Who you are jealous of-
No one
You trust Sasha and are not worried

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