you break up pt. 1 (male)

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Dean Ambrose
You hardly saw your boyfriend. You were always working and so was he. You both knew it would be hard but you never expected it to be this hard. Dean came over to your house today so you decided to discuss this. "Hey dean," you say catching his attention. "Yeah princess," he asked? "Can we talk," you asked nervously. "Of course," the thirty-one-year-old answered. He turned the TV off before facing you. "I think we should take a break," you said sadly. "Why," the blonde asked? "We hardly see each other and when we do we don't even really talk I just think we need some time to find out if this is worth it," you explain. "Ok," the blue-eyed man said. "Friends," you asked? "Friends," the lunatic agrees.

Roman Reigns
You watched from a park bench as your children played with there father. You smiled at how happy they were. He saw you watching and smiled. You say him say something to the kids and then walk your way. Nate sat by you. He sighed. "I miss this," your ex said. "Miss what," you questioned? "Us, our babies, I miss being a family," he explained. "We were never a family, after I had the babies everything went downhill I had to work take care of 2 babies and you would disappear for a week here and a week there cheat on me lie to me and steal from me when you were home you were drunk and high there was no family, " you explain sadly. "Come on baby I have changed you have to admit I have changed a lot," he pleas. You sigh before agreeing. "So give us a try it hurts knowing my kids go home on Monday to another guy playing daddy or it kills me knowing the love of my life goes home tonight to another man's arm," Nate says sadly. "I love roman the kids love roman he is a good guy," you explain. "But do you are you really in love with him and our kids want there parents together," he argues. "I do care for him and I'm sure they do too," you say sighing. "Do what is right for them you and the kids move in with me lets give this family one more try if not for me or you for our baby boy and baby girl," he said. "If the kids say they want us together I will give the four of us a chance," you say as a tear rolls out of your eyes. "LYRIC ALARICK COME HERE," your children's father yells. You see your three year olds run to you. When they got there your ex asked, " do you want mommy to give daddy another chance and you guys and mommy come live with me?" "yeah can we mommy," they asked? "Yeah babies now go play mommy is gonna be over at daddy's later," you say. "See you tonight babe," Nate says with a smirk. "Yeah," you mumbled before getting in your car. You had already started crying. You walked through the door. He instantly saw and ran to you bringing you in to his arms. You only cried more. "Its okay baby girl shh what's wrong," The 32 year old asked quickly. You pulled away before mumbling, "your gonna hate me." "for what," he asked? "I am getting back with Nate," you say sadly. "What," the raven-haired man said. "I'm sorry but the kids want us together and you understand how it is being a parent no matter how unhappy it will make you-you do whatever it is they want," you explain. "I hope your happy," he says sitting back on the couch and letting tears stream from his eyes. You start to cry again to as you packed a bag and wrote a note
Dear Superman
I never meant to hurt you. I am sorry. I truly love you. I will always love you. I am only doing this because it is the best thing for lyric and Alaric. I hope you can understand. I know you can understand. I can't bring you anymore pain so I will have a family member pick up my stuff. Thanks for everything Roman.
Love your baby girl
With tear soaked eyes and cheeks you walked out of the house.

Seth Rollins
You walked into the house petting princess and Kevin's head. You heard Seth in the bedroom. You crept into the room. He laid on the bed. "Hey two tones," you say as you climbed into the bed next to him. "Hey darling," he said in monotone. "What's wrong do you need anything, " you asked worriedly. It wasn't uncommon for Seth to be withdrawn since he got injured. He was depressed he couldn't do the thing he loved and you understood it was hard but it still hurt when he said certain things. "Nothing and no," he said irritated. "Just tell me if you need anything, " you say sincerely. "Can you stop," he asked? "Stop what," you asked? "Acting like I am incapable," he explained. "I was trying to help," you say. "It feels like your being clingy," he mumbled. "Ok if I am too clingy how about I leave your life for good," you say angrily. You walked out of the door grab your dog and leave.

Randy Orton
You felt a tear roll down your eye as you saw a picture of randy kissing another girl. It was sent to you in an Instagram dm. It said
Thought you would want to see this. That was last night. The girl in the pic is my best friend Mandy walker sorry he did this
She then sent the photo. You heard rumors before but never seen believe them but this was proof. He was on tour and wouldn't be home for a couple of weeks so you had time to move out. You sent a text to your sister asking if you could stay there until you get a place and saying you would explain later. She, of course, agreed saying she has a spare room. You smiled before calling a moving company. You moved all yours and the twins things out of the house to your sisters. Finally, the day before he came home you took screenshots of the conversation and printed it out stapling it to the back of the note you wrote
Dear randy
I trusted you and all you did was hurt me. I loved you and you betrayed me. I left already. Don't bother looking for me. I never ever lost trust in you but I guess I should have so goodbye randy have a nice life
Sincerely your ex-girlfriend
Ps. Look at the next page
You left the note by your key to the apartment on the island loaded your kids and left not looking back.

Dolph Ziggler
You pulled into your driveway only to notice a strange red and black Corvette parked out front. You brushed it off just wanting to shower and cuddle with your boyfriend after the day you had at work. When you opened the door you set your purse and keys on the island. You didn't take off your shoes yet but you saw a pair of black stilettos next to the island. You heard moaning and groaning. You also saw a line of men and woman clothing that led up the stairs. You walked up them seeing the door to your shared room cracked. You opened to see your boyfriend fucking some blonde haired bimbo. You immediately slammed the door. You refused to cry. You grabbed your keys and purse and took off when you got to your best friend Ari's you sent Dolph a texting saying you were over.

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