The King in Waiting

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16 years later...

I stepped out of the Corvette Convertible in front of the Royal Hotel. Blinding flashes of cameras showered my face and body as I walk to the hotel's revolving door.

That's why shades is important. Without my shades those flashes will blind me, making me less perfect in pictures. Plus my shades hide the irritation in my eyes whenever paparazzis swarm around me.

It's true. Being a King in Waiting has it's pros and cons.

Having a stylish car is a plus. Having your privacy compromised is something you have to live by.

"Prince Qing," the hotel's managing director and the Emperial Family's overall household manager bowed respectfully at me as I enter the revolving door.

"Mr.Shouwei," I smiled at him as I took off the shades on my eyes. An assistant instantly appear on my elbow to take the accesory. I handed it to her. "My family?"

"The King, Queen and the Queen Dowager are waiting for you at the Royal Suite," Mr.Shouwei replied.

I nodded as he pressed the button of the private elevator reserved for the use of the Royal Family. When we entered, Mr.Shouwei also pressed the button of the floor where the Royal Suite is situated.

"Mr.Shouwei, can you give me a hint on the current mood of my family?" I casually ask the manager.

He tried hiding a smile but I still saw it. I sighed tiredly and Mr.Shouwei smothered a laugh by coughing.

The manager had a reputation for being poker faced and distant.

But I guess if you are a person who grew up seeing the Heir to the Throne being reprimanded and grounded, you feel a certain amusement at seeing him disgruntled.

Mr.Shouwei is not a servant or an employee to me. He is an uncle. A close uncle who is amused at my predicament.

"Mr.Shouwei," my tone has a tinged of whining.

"My Prince, you did it to yourself. Now face the music," he said in a serious note.

I frowned at him, "Is that your professional advice or a personal one?"

"A professional advice your Highness," then the manager smiled. "If you are asking me personally, I think you should run and hide until the Dowager Queen calmed down,"

Then he mightily tried not laughing again.

I close my eyes, I feel pained already. My grandmother is far from the grandmother in fairytales. You know, the "sweetie let me bake you a cookie" type.

No, the matriach of the Royal Family manages her son and his family using an iron fist.

But the current King, my father, is no mere puppet. He takes after my grandmother, they usually agreed on a lot of things.

I also took after them. Meaning, I am stubborn and set on my ways. Controlling me will be a futile advocacy. But every once in a while, I got into situations where I have to compromise so my grandmother and father will ease off my back.

Like now...

I just lean my head a little to the right to avoid the book my grandmother threw at me. My mother, the Queen, gave me an exasperated look. I wince at her.

My mother has an exhaustible fountain of patience. An advantage to her since she has an authoritative husband, a book throwing mother in law and a scandalous son.

I feel for my mother. My serene, gentle mother. What sin had she committed in her past life to be saddled with us?


"Shut that glib mouth of yours," my grandmother gave me an intensely irritated look. "Put the royal engagement ring on that girl and marry her." She ordered.

I look at my parents. My quiet father may not be saying anything but he is not hiding his disappointment as today's newspaper with the headline story is spread on the table in front of him.

My headache accelerated when I read the headline :

"Crown Prince partied with Fiancee"

My jaw tightened. That headline was accompanied by a picture of me with my girlfriend Shunu.

We are school mates and friends first. We graduated at the same prestigious University, I took business management while she has a doctorate in arts.

I love Shunu. I would love to marry her someday. But with my circus kind of life. Limelights on me. Paparazzis following us. And the million of pressure from the Royal family and counsel, Shunu's fragile sensibilities might not take it.

Shunu is not the toughest cookie in the jar. She is a fragile flower.

Shunu grew up in a conservative family. Her father is a member of the parliament and her mother a well known artist. Shunu was sheltered all her life and the only time she gets into trouble was when she is with her willful boyfriend.

Which is yours truly...

My family is not aware of our real relationship, all they know is I treasure Shunu as a friend. We can be seen together but always with other people and not alone.

But my latest outing with her was caught by the paparazzis and we were caught looking too close and intimate. Now, we grace every newspapers and tabloid today to be consumed by the public.

The public who romanticized Prince Qing and his soon to be Princess story.

But what people can't seem to perceive is that this is real life and not some fairytale. I am no Prince Charming and Shunu, even if she is the fairest of the land, is no damsel in distress to be rescued.

We have plans in our lives and that does not include pressuring Shunu to live as the Crown Prince's wife. That life is too stressful for her.

And I love her enough to not want that kind of life for her.

But my father and grandmother are looking at me like they expect me to announce the wedding date in the next two minutes.

I shook my head.

"I can't get engage with her. I am not ready to be married yet, I am only twenty four," I said regretfully.

My grandmother reach for the vase full of arranged roses and callalily that sits on the top of the center table and threw it me.

My father moaned in despair. My mother gasped in dismay. And I got a shower of water and flowers while the expensive Ming vase got broken on the floor.

Just a normal day for the life of the King in Waiting.

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