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15 hours before the wedding. 6pm

I just got off the phone with Lao who told me that they finally located the pharmacy that supplies Shunu with her medications, including the lethal sleeping agent that she might be using to keep Dayu asleep.

"Chong is already talking to the man in charge. We will try to intercept the man collecting Shunu's drugs. The owner of this pharmacy is so crooked he is asking for triple the price of the drug and Shunu is paying him and more as long as he keeps sending her the supply. Once this is over, this place should be shut down."

"And it will," I said. "Be careful Lao. We cannot afford mistake at this point. We are just waiting for hours until Shunu surrenders Dayu to me."

I heard Lao sigh on the other line. "I hope you know what you are doing Wang Qing," his tone suggest he is not warming up at the idea of me marrying Shunu.

"I do," I assured him but I know there is no convincing Lao. For him, Dayu is the only deserving to be my spouse and ascend the throne with me. I agree with him wholeheartedly but this wedding is in case it will be needed.

If they can rescue Dayu, that will be the best. If not, well...what choice do I have, really?

"But don't stop searching." I said to Lao.

"Of course, I will call again." The call ended after that. I look at my father. We are once again at the King's study. This place is my refuge now. My mother won't talk to me. She keeps on staying beside my grandmother so I cannot exactly argue with her. If I want to spare my grandmother, I have to keep silent about what is happening to my Consort.

So I hide here. With my father and Dayu's father who is in the same predicament as me. Mrs.Feng is staying close to the Queen Dowager as well so there is no convincing her that this is the right and only way to save their son.

"I still think this is wrong," my father said.

"Nothing about this situation is right, Lei." Dayu's father said. "But we have to do what we have to do to save my son,"

"In expense of Qing?" My father stared at Mr.Feng. "What is the plan, Xin? Why not share it with me?"

"Because I don't trust you," Dayu's father didn't even blink before saying those words. I was surprised by those words. Dayu's father doesn't trust my father? The King himself? Since when? Why? I thought they are friends. Friends are supposed to trust each other, right? Look at me, Dayu, Lao and Chong.

"Qing will know what to do. Once Dayu is safe, then we can all talk again. But until then, our focus should be in saving my son," Dayu's father added.

I agree. I wholeheartedly agree. Fuck everything else. What matters the most is to save Dayu.

"Marrying Shunu is not the issue," I finally found my voice to get between them. "Her double crossing us is my major concern. Her not giving Dayu up is the problem."

My father and Mr.Feng grew quiet at that thought.

"Where is the wedding?"

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