Trigger Happy

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I listen to Qing give Chong some last minute instructions.

"Make sure to know everything about Heise. His whereabouts. His activities. His businesses. Their status, if they are successful or failing. Report immediately to me," Qing's jaws were constantly rigid ever since we drew that relationship tree.

That messed up relationship tree.

I mean, if all of those are true then what the hell?! All these things, all these connections are happening around us and we are not aware? By God...

Li Yi and Heise...that's just fucked up. Heise is engaged to Baozang. Li Yi is Baozang's close confidante and friend. They grew up together. Yet, Li Yi and Heise are...together?


If that is true. I mean, I am not saying that I am a hundred percent sure that it's true...

"That is why Chong is investigating," Qing said before sitting on the bed with me. He had dismissed Chong.

"And if it's true? What will you do?" I asked Qing.

"I will destroy that Heise. He dared..."

"Wang Qing," I sighed. "Please, be serious..."

"I am serious," Qing said in a grim tone. "I can destroy that man. His relationship to my sister will be over. I can destroy his business dealings. All his ambitions, I can put a stop on all of it,"

I winced, "Fine! You win. You can be a wonderful villain in a drama. Happy now?"

Qing glared at me. I sighed. "Maybe we should talk to Li Yi again."

"No," Qing disagreed strongly. "I don't want you near that woman again. She is poison. Toxic. For a man, she will throw away everything..."

"Yeah," I nodded. "Imagine that. For a guy, she is willing to throw away her friendship with Baozang. And lie to the Royal Family. I mean, those are so much worse than let's say staying beside a man even though you can get killed. Just sticking with that man and not caring for yourself..."

Qing looked stunned, "Are you seriously comparing yourself to Li Yi?"

"No," I shook my head. "What I am just saying is, people do crazy and stupid things for love. All the time. Everyday. Today, somewhere in this world, a guy will dance in front of a girl with a thousand audience watching even if he has anxiety attack and stage fright. Somewhere, a plain girl will put on skimpy clothes and cheap perfume for a guy who will never notice her even if she is naked because he likes sexy girls with big boobs. Somewhere, a girl will sleep with this married guy and will believe that he will divorce his wife even if that is a lie."

Qing grew quiet.

"People in love do stupid things all the time. But that's okay, it's love. All is fair in love. Li Yi, she...she is a brave girl. I pity her. Because her love is against my love and I will never let her win. I know she will lose because I will never let her win. And I pity her."

Qing put an arm around my shoulder and pulling me close to his side. I lean my head on his shoulder.

"She made her chose. She chose that man. And if that man turns out to be Heise? I will really destroy him. I will never let their love wins against ours." Qing said.

I look up to Wang Qing and he smiled at me. I lean up to kiss his lips. He kissed me back. Just soft kisses. He bumps his nose against mine affectionately.

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