Trace and Clues

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44 hours before the wedding...

While Lao and Chong are looking for clues as to where to find Shunu and Dayu, I planned to avoid my parents at all cost.

My mother is not happy with me. My father is not happy with me. My sister is skeptical about my plans while my grandmother is still blissfully unaware of what is happening. Which is how I like her to remain. Unknowing.

So basically, no one is happy about me in my family. Dayu is not in my side. Lao is gone too with Chong. For the first time in my life, I feel utterly alone.

And I am not alone in feeling like that. Dayu's father is a pariah too. He is not talking to anyone and Dayu's mother hates him. Well, not hate like really hate. More like Mrs.Feng is hurt for Dayu.

Mrs.Feng is not happy with me too. She and my mother had closeted themselves on the Queen's wing.

If Dayu is here, he will probably move away from me and say...

"Are you cursed or something? Because by God you managed to piss a lot of people. And our mothers? Nah are on your own. I love you, but I don't want to like...die with you. That will be too Romeo and Juliet. Tragic. Nah, I am a romantic comedy type of guy so stay away from me..."

Dayu ah...I miss you so much. Just wait a bit more, we are coming to get you.

My phone rang. I sighed tiredly. Knowing that it is Shunu. It's another unregistered number. I let my temporary aide see my phone. His eyes widened a little before he signaled the police officer there who knows how to trace a call.

"Hello..." I accepted the call.

"I want to see you," she whined on the other line.

"I want to see Dayu," is my cold reply.

"Wang Qing, are you pissing me off?"

"No, I am just telling the truth," I countered in the same cold tone.

I heard her sigh on the other line, I look at the police officer that is tracing the call. He shook his head. I have to keep Shunu on the line.

"Why do you want to see me?" I asked to engage her to talk some more.

"I want us to try our wedding clothes together," she said in a sweet tone.

You mean my funeral clothes? I sighed, "Sure, where should we meet?" Once I get my hands on her...

The call ended.

"Did you get it?" I asked the officer. The policeman nodded, I felt hope fluttered inside me. "Where is she?"

"Using a phone booth in Hebei," is the answer.

I was stunned. "A phone booth is Hebei? That's 90 km away from us."

The police nodded. "Her signal points us there. She is playing with us, your Highness..."

I want to throw the phone at them. But I stopped myself because this is not their fault.

My phone rang again. Another unregistered number. I decline that call. I will not let Shunu played me like I am her toy. Bad enough that she got the man I love, I will not let her toy with Dayu's property.

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