The One who Holds the Ring

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"I am not afraid of cockroach anymore and I want you to pose as my fiance..."

Damn! What the hell are those two lies?!!

Qing is afraid of cockroaches. No. He is terrified of them. It's because of an incident when we were young when we went to that storage room in the Royal Palace and cockroaches flew at us when we disturbed their peaceful living.

Prince Qing, as the leader of our "invade the storage squad" was the first one to be attacked by the flying cockroaches. That gave him serious nightmares as at least three landed on his face and one even had a staring contest with him.

That week, Prince Qing had fever and nightmare almost every night. When we saw him again there's always an insect repellant and swatter nearby.

Qing had a serious phobia with cockroaches. To the point that doctors told the Royal Family that it will be a lifetime condition for the Prince.

Now he is saying that he is not afraid of cockroaches anymore? Bullshit that!

But his other lie is more outrageous.

He wants me to be his what now? Fiance?! What the ever loving hell is he talking about now?!

I regarded both of them. My old playmates. They are both staring at me. Looking expectant and nervous at the same time.

I laugh, "You are both serious? A fiance? Of Qing?"

"Dayu," Qing lean on the table.

I raised a palm to stop him, "You know what? I change my mind. Let's eat first. What's on the menu Lao?" I turn to my friend sitting between us.

Lao grasped at that lifeline, reading the menu, "Great idea! We have pea soup as appetizer served with crusted bread and olive oil. Herb crusted ribeye for main and mango sorbet for desert. Sounds good?" Lao look at his companions.

"Wonderful," Qing smiled a little.

"Excellent," I quipped while getting the water goblet to drink. I feel parched after hearing those lies.

Silence reigned between me and Qing as Lao directed our dinner to be served.

When the soup was served we ate silently. I am surprised that I still remember how to dine formally. I guess dining with style is like learning how to bicycle, once you learned how to do it, you won't forget. I still know my soup spoon from my desert spoon.

The soup taste good plus the crusted bread dipped in oil added a nice texture contrast from the smooth appetizer.

After appetizer, we waited a little for the main to be served. Qing and I are still silent while Lao tried a few times to start a conversation but when no one engaged him, he gave up.

Engaged...what a time for me to think of that word.

Main, like the appetizer, is consumed in silence. It taste good. Cooked to perfection and the meat melts in my mouth. I would appreciate it more if not for the fact that my mind was swirling elsewhere while eating.

Pose as his fiance? For real?!

When desert was served. I can't take it anymore.

"Fiance?! For real?!" I exclaimed after the server went out of the room.

Qing sighed, "Finally. I thought it will take you a whole day to process that. Like when I asked you what kind of cake you want to be served on my 8th birthday."

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