Trouble in Paradise

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Qing woke me up when the movie was over and the four of us went out of the cinema. As usual phone cameras followed our steps as people video and take pictures of the Royal siblings and their companions.

We decided to walk around the shopping district first after being cooped up inside the cinema for almost four hours. Most stores are already closed but lights are still everywhere and shoppers and patrying public is still out on the street.

"Next time we should try a karaoke bar and sing!" I said to my other three companions as we walked along the paved road.

They all wince.

"I am tone deaf," Lao said that made Baozang giggled. "And I can't recognize key tone," she added to the conversation.

We all look at Qing. He sighed, "I will choose the song. Dayu can sing for all of us,"

I laughed at them. We continued walking while the Royal guards are steps behind us.

I look at my hand. Why do I feel like something is missing? Then I look at Qing's hand. Oh right, we are not holding hands.

I was used now to us holding hands whenever we are in public. Actually, even in private, we hold each other hands. Why? So it will be a natural instinct for us and we won't feel awkward while doing it.

I was about to reach for his hands but Qing suddenly put them both in his jeans pocket. I frown. I guess we are not holding hands then.

Now I feel awkward.

I look at Qing. It feels unfair. Whether in formal suit or in casual wears, the Crown Prince looks handsome in any outfits.

Tall, handsome, rich. I wonder what his girlfriend was thinking when she said no to Qing's offer of marriage.

Maybe the girl has a problem. A psychological one. Who in their right mind will reject a Crown Prince's proposal to get married?

I won't!

Okay, I can say that because I am sure that Qing will never ask me to marry him. This is a sham engagement after all. But still, if a gay Crown Prince who is tall and handsome and rich too will ask me to marry him, I would...

I would also hesitate because I have to get to know that Prince first and fall in love with him.

Fine! I am a romantic.

I want to meet someone who will love me truly. Someone who can give me security. Someone who will care genuinely for me.

Someone who can take my mess and will not run at the first sign of trouble.

I hope that someone will not get into traffic as he come my way.

As I think deeply, I didn't saw where I was going and I almost step down on the road while the cars are still passing by.

Good thing Qing got a good reflex to pull me back as a blazing car almost drove into me.

"WHAT THE HELL, DAYU? Are you planning to die?!" He shouted angrily at me as he held my elbow and back.

I look up at him. And flinched as I saw how mad he is.

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