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24 hours since the kidnapping

One thing I can say for sure. I am not developing any Stockholm syndrome on Shunu.

She is getting on my nerve, truth be told.

Since I woke up from a nap about two hours ago, she goes on and on about her past relationship with Qing. How happy they are, how in love they are...

Who cares?! I don't!

What I care about is a bath. I want to take a bath. I want a shower, at least an hour of scrubbing off dirt from my body under the fall of water and a change of clothes.

Then maybe I will start having a care about Shunu's stories.

She is pathetic! Why can't she move on? I mean, I had sex with Qing, it was great but he doesn't have a golden dick that I will just die if we break up.

Okay, I will probably die if Qing and I break up now, but if I am in Shunu's shoes and based on all the stories she is telling me, Qing is not that great of a boyfriend.

He is jerk! Letting Shunu disappear for weeks while she concentrate on her painting. That is not sweet! No! If Qing is an artist and he wanted to travel around the country to paint I will go with him.

The conversation will be like this:

Qing: I want to travel to paint. I will be gone and leave you for two weeks.

Me: What do you mean leaving me for two weeks? I have to be celibate for two weeks? No! I will go with you. Paint in the morning and at night, paint on me.

Okay, that was bad. Really bad. Ignore that last part.

I am just stressed. I am still tied up in the chair. Eating nothing, wanting to pee, wanting a shower. Fuck's sake, I hate this!

"You look annoyed Dayu," Shunu said while she paints beside the open window of the room. She said she needs the natural light while painting. I don't know what she means. I can't draw to save my life. "Why?"

"I want to take a bath. Can I have a shower?" I asked her hopefully. She cannot be so cruel as to deny me basic cleanliness, right? I want to brush my teeth and gurgle some mouthwash too.

Her hand with the brush stopped moving on the canvas in front of her. Come to think of it, I also haven't seen her eat anything. Is this her plan? Starve us both to death? Cause I gotta tell it to her, that will not work because I think she will die first, she is too thin already while I still have some fats in my hand I can gnaw and eat.

Gross, I know but I am getting hungry so...that is my excuse.

But really, this situation is ridiculous.

"But what if I let you go and you escaped?" She said. Turning her body and chair towards me.

"Are we alone?" I asked her. In this room, it's just the two of us. In the daylight, the room actually looks pretty. Spacious and tastefully furnished. It's not as ugly as I thought it would be. Just goes to show how stupid a mind can be if you are kidnapped and thinking of a hovel or an underground, a cellar or a warehouse.

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