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I caressed Dayu's cheek while he sleeps. He is being impatient. He wanted to go home. Dayu wanted to go back to the Prince's Pavilion and sleep in our bed.

Those are his words. Not mine.

Our bed. His and mine. We are one.

Dayu doesn't see us as separate entities anymore. We are a unit. Together. A united front.

I am noticing it more and more. When we make decisions, we discussed it together, until we came out with something we both agreed upon.

I can feel his support on me. His understanding. His unwavering faith in me.

And it's humbling. To know that there is this one person who will stand beside me no matter what decision I made. Even if I make mistakes, he will stand beside me. He will take the blame with me. He will share the pain with me. The disappointment and my failures.

And when I win. He will also be there. He will be the first one to congratulate me. The first one who will be proud of me. The first one that will rejoice for me.


How precious he is. He will never have any idea how much confidence there is that he gave to me. How much power he is bestowing on me.

Because Dayu is not eyeing power. He is beside me because he needs to be beside me. My Consort had no idea how much power he held in his hand. One word from him and I will move anything for him. One order and I will give him anything.

I am the King but Dayu held me in his hand. And he has no idea. Because Dayu never crave power.

I held him securely in my arms. He moaned a little and sighed as he settled beside me.

"I love you, my love..." I whisper in his temple.

"Kiss me..." Dayu sighed.

"Can I?" I asked him. He answered by snoring. Then he twitch his nose and moaned. "Hmmm..."

"I'll take that as a yes," I said before kissing his slightly opened lips. He snorted and snored again.

He is really precious.



Maybe it's because we anticipated the attack to happen during the night, maybe that is why we missed it.

But it happened during the day. When it's just me and Lao. Chong was away, buying something.

Something I whined about. I want to eat some strawberries, fat, juicy and sweet strawberries, so I pestered Chong to buy me some. Leaving me and Lao alone.

And it didn't happened inside the hospital room like what we thought. It happened inside an elevator while Lao and I are going down to take some fresh air in the hospital's garden.

Also, my idea.

I put us in danger. Again...

While we are inside the elevator, Lao and I together with one police guard and another patient, the police just suddenly pulled out his gun and point it at me.

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